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(Chinese and English are unofficial translation)


Given on the 28th day of October B.E. 2534 being the 46th year of the present Reign.

于B.E. 2534,10月28日(即当前统治时期第46年)发出。















Given on the 28th day of October B.E. 2534 being the 46th year of the present Reign.

于B.E. 2534,10月28日(即当前统治时期第46年)发出。


By royal command of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej it is hereby proclaimed that:


Whereas it is proper to amend the law on trademarks;


IT IS HEREBY ENACTED by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty with the advice and consent of the National Legislature as follows:



Section 1 This Act shall be called as the “Trademark Act B.E. 2534.”

第1条 本法案应称为“《商标法》B.E.2534。”

Section 21 This Act shall come into force after the expiration of ninety days from the date of its publication in the Government Gazette.


Section 3 The following shall be repealed:

第3条 以下内容应予以废除:

(1) Trademark Act B.E. 2474


(2) Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2504.


All laws, regulations and other rules insofar as they are provided for herein or are contrary to or consistent with the provisions hereof shall be superseded by this Act.


Section 4. In this Act:—


“Mark”2 means a photograph, drawing, invented device, logo, name, word, phrase, letter, numeral, signature, combination of colors, figurative element, sound or combination thereof.



1 Published in Government Gazette Vol. 108 part 199, special page 7 dated 15 November B.E. 2534 (1991)


2 Section 4 amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

2 第4条根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559



“trademark” means a mark used or proposed to be used on or in connection with goods to distinguish the goods with which the trademark of the owner of such trademark is used from goods under another person’s trademark;


“service mark” means a mark used or proposed to be used on or in connection with services to distinguish the services using the service mark of the owner of such service mark from services under another person’s service mark;


“certification mark” means a mark used or proposed to be used by the owner thereof on or in connection with goods or services of another person to certify the origin, composition, method of production, quality or other characteristics of such goods or to certify as to the nature, quality, type or other characteristics of such services;


“collective mark” means a trademark or service mark used or proposed to be used by companies or enterprises of the same group or by members of an association, cooperative, union, confederation, group of persons or any other state or private organization;


“licensee” means a person licensed under this Act by the owner of a registered trademark or service mark to use such trademark or service mark;


“competent officer”3 means the person appointed by the Minister to act under this Act;


“Registrar” means the person appointed by the Minister to be registrar to act under this Act;


“Director General4” means the Director-General of the Department of Intellectual Property;


“Board” means the Trademark Board;


“Minister” means the Minister having charge and control of the execution of this Act.


Section 55 The Minister of Commerce shall have charge and control of the execution of this Act and shall have the power to appoint Registrars and competent officers, issue ministerial regulations prescribing official fees not exceeding those indicated in the schedule annexed hereto, reduce or exempt official fees and prescribe other matters and issue notifications for the execution of this Act.




3 Section 4 amended by Trademark Act (No. 2) B.E. 2543 4 Section

3 第4条根据《商标法》(第2号)B.E.2543修订

4 amended by Trademark Act (No. 2) B.E. 2543

4 第4条根据《商标法》(第2号)B.E.2543修订

5 Section 5 paragraph one amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

5 第5条第一款根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订



Chapter I





Part 1


Trademark Applications


Section 6 To be registrable, a trademark must

第6条 要进行注册,商标必须

(1) be distinctive;


(2) not be prohibited under this Act;


(3) not be the same as or similar to a trademark registered by another person.


Section 76 A distinctive trademark is a trademark which enables the public or users to distinguish the goods with which the trademark is used from other goods.


A trademark having or comprising any of the following essential characteristics shall be deemed distinctive.


(1) a personal name, a surname of a natural person not being such by its ordinary signification, a full name of a juristic person in accordance with the law on such matter or a tradename represented in a special manner and having no direct reference to the character or quality of the goods;


(2) a word or phrase having no direct reference to the character or quality of the goods and not being a geographical name prescribed by the Minister;


(3) an invented word;


(4) a stylized letter or numeral;


(5) a combination of colors represented in a special manner;


(6) the signature of the applicant or the predecessor in his or her business or the signature of another person with his or her permission;


(7) the representation of the applicant or of another person with his or her permission or of a deceased person with the permission of his or her ascendants, descendants and spouse, if any;


(8) an invented device;




6 Section 7 amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

6 第7条根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订



(9) a picture having no direct reference to the character or quality of the goods and not being a picture of a map or a geographical site prescribed by the Minister;


(10) a shape which is not the natural form of the goods or a shape which is not necessary to obtain a technical result of the goods or a shape which does not give value to the goods;


(11) a sound having no direct reference to the character or quality of the goods or a sound which is not the natural sound of the goods or a sound which does not result from the functioning of the goods.


A trademark having no characteristics under paragraph two (1) to (11), if used on goods which have been widely sold or advertised in accordance with the rules prescribed in a notification by the Minister and if it is proved that the rules have been duly met, shall be deemed distinctive.


Section 87 Trademarks having or consisting of any of the following characteristics shall not be registrable:—


(1) state arms or crests, royal seals, official seals, Chakkri emblems, emblems and insignia of the royal orders and decorations, seals of office, seals of ministries, bureaus, departments or provinces;


(2) national flags of Thailand, royal standard flags or official flags;


(3) royal names, royal monograms, abbreviations of royal names or royal monograms, or


(4) representations of the King, Queen or Heir to the Throne;


(5) names, words, terms or emblems signifying the King, Queen or Heir to the Throne or members of the royal family;


(6) national emblems and flags of foreign states, emblems and flags of international organizations, emblems of head of foreign states, official emblems and quality control and certification of foreign states or international organizations, names and monograms of foreign states or international organizations, unless permission is given by the competent officer of the foreign state or international organization;


(7) official emblems and emblems of the Red Cross or appellations “Red Cross” or “Geneva Cross”;


(8) a mark identical with or similar to a medal, diploma or certificate or any other mark awarded at a trade exhibition or competition held by the Thai government or a Thai government agency for public enterprise or any other government organ of Thailand, a foreign government or international organization unless such medal, diploma, certificate or mark has been actually awarded to the applicant for goods and is used in combination with the trademark;


(9) any mark which is contrary to public order, morality or public policy;


(10) a mark registered or not, which is identical with a well-known mark as prescribed by the Ministerial Notifications, or so similar thereto that the public might be confused as to the owner or origin of the goods;



7Section 8 amended by Trademark Act (No. 2) B.E. 2543

7 第8条根据《商标法》(第2号)B.E.2543修订


(11) trademarks similar to those under (1) (2) (3) (5) (6) or (7);


(12) geographical indications protected under the law on geographical indications;


(13) other trademarks prescribed by the Ministerial Notifications.


Section 9 An application for registration of a trademark may be made for specific goods in one class or in different classes but the particular kinds of goods for which protection is sought shall be clearly specified.

第9条 商标注册申请可以针对某一类别或不同类别的特定商品提出,但应明确规定需要保护的特定商品种类。

Paragraph two8 (Repealed)


The classification of goods shall be as prescribed by the Ministerial Notifications.


Section 10 For a trademark to be registrable, the applicant or his agent shall have an office or address for communication by the Registrar in Thailand.

第10条 申请人或其代理人应在泰国设有供注册官联系的办公室或地址,商标方可进行注册。

Section 11 Applications for trademark registration shall comply with the rules and procedures prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.

第11条 商标注册申请应遵守《部级法规》规定的规则和程序。

9In cases where Thailand acceded to an international convention or agreement concerning trademark protection, the trademark application which is in compliance with the requirement of such international convention or agreement shall be deemed to be a trademark application under this Act.


Section 12 In considering trademark applications, the Registrar shall have the following powers:—

第12条 在审议商标申请时,注册官应拥有以下权利:—

(1) ask by a letter or summon the applicant to give an oral statement or submit a written statement or submit any document or evidence concerning the application for examination or consideration;


(2) require the applicant to translate any document or evidence in a foreign language into Thai within such period or time as he may deem appropriate;


(3) invite any person to give information, explanations, advice or opinions.


If the applicant does not, without sufficient reason, comply with an order of the Registrar under (1) or (2), the application shall be deemed to be abandoned.


Section 1310 Subject to Section 27, the Registrar shall not grant registration to a trademark applied for if he finds that:


(1) it is identical with a trademark registered by another person for use with goods in the same class or in different classes found to be of the same character



8 Section 9 paragraph two repealed by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

8 第9条第二款根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559废除

9 Section 11 paragraph two Added by Trademark Act (No. 2) B.E. 2543

9 第11条第二款根据《商标法》(第2号)B.E.2543增加

10 Section 13 amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

10 第13条根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订



(2) it is so similar to a trademark registered by another person that the public might be confused or misled as to the ownership or origin of the goods for use with goods in the same class or in different classes found to be of the same character.


Section 14 (Repealed) 11


Section 15 If, in the opinion of the Registrar,

第15条 如果,注册官认为,

(1) any unessential part of a trademark applied for is not registrable under Section 6, or


(2) any application for registration is contrary to Section 9 or Section 10 or is not in accordance with the rules and procedures prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations issued under Section 11,


12The Registrar shall order the applicant to amend the application within sixty days from the date of receipt of the order and shall notify the applicant in writing without delay.


Section 16 If, in the opinion of the Registrar, the entire trademark or any essential part thereof is not registrable under Section 6, the Registrar shall refuse registration and shall, without delay, in writing notify the applicant of the order giving the grounds therefor.

第16条 如果,注册官认为,根据第6条,整个商标或其任何必要部分均不可注册,则注册官应拒绝注册,并应立即以书面形式通知申请人该决定,说明理由。

Section 17 If, in the opinion of the Registrar, a trademark considered as a whole is registrable under Section 6 but contains one or more parts which are common to the trade for some types or classes of goods such that no applicant should have exclusive right thereto or which are not distinctive, the Registrar shall make either of the following:

第17条 如果注册官认为,根据第6条,商标作为一个整体是可注册的,但包含一个或多个部分,而这些部分对于某些类型或类别的商品是该行业所共有的,因此任何申请人均不应该对其拥有专有权,或这些部分是不独特的,注册官应做出以下任一决定:

(1)13 order the applicant to disclaim exclusive right to such part or parts of the trademark within sixty days from the date of receipt of the order;


(2)14 order the applicant to enter such other disclaimers as the Registrar finds it necessary to define the rights of the owner of such trademark within sixty days from the date of receipt of the order.


For the purpose of implementing the provisions of the first paragraph, the Registrar shall have the power to declare by notification what is common to the trade with respect to certain types or classes of goods.


The Registrar shall, without delay, in writing notify the applicant of any order under the first paragraph giving the grounds therefor.




11 Section 14 Repealed by Trademark Act. (No. 3) B.E. 2559

11 第14条根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559废除

12 Section 15 paragraph two amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

12 第15条第二款根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订

13 Section 17 (1) amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

13 第17(1)条根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订

14 Section 17 (2) amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

14 第17(2)条根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订



Section 1815 The applicant shall be entitled to appeal the order of the Registrar under Section 15, Section 16 and Section 17 to the Trademark Board within sixty days from the date of receipt of the Registrar’s notification. Decisions of the Board shall be final.


If the Board decides that the order of the Registrar under Section 15 or Section 17 is correct, the applicant shall comply with the order of the Registrar within sixty days from the date of receipt of the Board’s decision.


If the Board decides that the order of the Registrar under Section 15, Section 16 and Section 17 is incorrect, the Registrar shall proceed with the application.


Section 1916 If the applicant fails to appeal under Section 18 paragraph one and does not comply with the order of the Registrar under Section 15 or Section 17, as the case may be, or if the applicant appeals under Section 18 paragraph one but fails to comply with Section 18 paragraph two, the application shall be deemed abandoned.


Section 2017 Where several applicants file applications for registration of trademarks, if the Registrar finds that those trademarks have any of the following characteristics, he shall proceed with the application first filed and inform the subsequent applicants in writing to await the processing of the application filed before:


(1) the trademarks are identical whether for use with goods in the same class or in different classes found by the Registrar to be of the same character


(2) the trademarks are so similar as to cause public confusion as to the ownership or origin of goods, whether for use with goods in the same class or in different classes found by the Registrar to be of the same character.


Where the trademark first filed is not registered, the Registrar shall proceed with the application next filed and inform the applicant of that application and other applicants without delay.


Section 2118 An applicant seeing his or her trademark applied for is not identical with nor confusingly similar to other prior pending trademarks, may appeal the Registrar’s order under Section 20 paragraph one to the Trademark Board within sixty days from the date of receipt of the order. In such case, Section 18 shall apply mutatis mutandis.


Section 22 19(Repealed)


Section 2320(Repealed)



15 Section 18 amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

15 第18条根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订

16 Section 19 amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

16 第19条根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订

17 Section 20 amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

17 第20条根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订

18 Section 21 amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

18 第21条根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订

19 Section 22 repealed by Trademark Act No. 3 B.E. 2559

19 第22条根据《商标法》第3号B.E.2559废除

20 Section 23 repealed by Trademark Act No. 3 B.E. 2559

20 第23条根据《商标法》第3号B.E.2559废除



Section 2421(Repealed)


Section 2522(Repealed)


Section 2623 (Repealed)


Section 2724 Where there are applications under Section 13 or Section 20 paragraph one, as the case may be, if the Registrar finds there has been honest concurrent users or special circumstances making it proper to do so, he or she may grant registration of such identical or similar trademarks of several owners subject to such conditions and limitations as to the mode or place of use or such other conditions and limitations as he or she may think fit to impose. The Registrar shall, without delay, notify the applicant and the registered owner of the order in writing with reasons.


The applicant or the registered owner may appeal the order of the Registrar under paragraph one to the Trademark Board within sixty days from the date of receipt of the notification.


Decisions of the Board under paragraph two shall be final.


Section 2825 A person who has filed a trademark application in a foreign country and files an application for the registration of the trademark in Thailand within six months from the first foreign application, he may claim the first foreign filing date as the filing date in Thailand if he possesses one of the following qualifications:


(1) being a Thai national or a juristic person having its headquarters located in Thailand;


(2) being a national of a country party to a convention or international agreement on trademark protection to which Thailand is also a party;


(3) being a national of a country which accords the same rights to Thai nationals or juristic persons having their headquarters located in Thailand;


(4) being domiciled or having a real and effective industrial or commercial establishment in Thailand or a country party to a convention or international agreement on trademark protection to which Thailand is also a party.


In the case where the first foreign application has been refused, or withdrawn or abandoned by the applicant, he may not claim the rights under the first paragraph.




21 Section 24 repealed by Trademark Act No. 3 B.E. 2559

21 第24条根据《商标法》第3号B.E.2559废除

22 Section 25 repealed by Trademark Act No. 3 B.E. 2559

22 第25条根据《商标法》第3号B.E.2559废除

23 Section 26 repealed by Trademark Act No. 3 B.E. 2559

23 第26条根据《商标法》第3号B.E.2559废除

24 Section 27 amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

24 第27条根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订

25 Section 25 amended by Trademark Act (No. 2) B.E. 2543

25 第25条根据《商标法》(第2号)B.E.2543修订



In the case where a trademark application is filed in a foreign country for the same trademark which a previous application has been refused, or withdrawn or abandoned by the applicant within six months from the date of the first foreign application, the applicant may claim the rights under the first paragraph provided that:


(1)26 The right of priority under paragraph one has not been exercised in respect of the application under paragraph two; and


(2)27 The application under paragraph two can no longer be processed under the trademark law of the state where the application is filed; and


(3) the refuse, withdrawal or abandonment of the application has not been disclosed to the public.


Section 28bis.28 In the case where goods bearing a trademark are exhibited at an international exhibition held in Thailand or a country party to a convention or an international agreement on trademark protection to which Thailand is also a party and organized by a government agency, public enterprise or any other government unit of Thailand or the member country or recognized by the government of Thailand, the trademark owner may claim the rights under the first paragraph of Section 28 provided that he files a trademark application for the goods exhibited in such exhibition within six months from the date of introduction of the goods into the exhibition or the first foreign filing date, whichever is earlier. In such a case, the application shall not be used to extend the time period prescribed in Section 28.


The organization of exhibitions of goods to be regarded as international exhibitions and the application under the first paragraph shall comply with the rules, conditions and procedures as prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.


Part 2


Trademark Registration and the Effect of Registration


Section 29 When an application for registration of a trademark is considered acceptable, the Registrar shall be order the application to be published.

第29条 当商标注册申请被认为可以接受时,注册官应下令公布该申请。

Paragraph two (repealed) 29


The publication of applications shall be in accordance with the procedures prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.



26 Section 28 paragraph three (1) amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

26 第28条第三(1)款根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订

27 Section 28 paragraph three (2) amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

27 第28条第三(2)款根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订

28 Section 28bis amended by Trademark Act (No. 2) B.E. 2543

28 第28(2)条根据《商标法》(第2号)B.E.2543修订

29 Section 29 paragraph two repealed by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

29 第29条第二款根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559废除



Section 30 If, after the trademark application has been ordered published under Section 29 paragraph one, it appears to the Registrar that the trademark is not registrable under Section 6 or the application does not comply with the provisions of this Act making necessary to cancel the order and if the trademark has not been registered, the Registrar shall cancel such order and shall without delay notify the applicant in writing stating the grounds of such cancellation.

第30条 如果在商标申请根据第29条第一款被责令公布后,注册官认为该商标根据第6条不可注册,或该申请不符合本法案规定,需要取消该决定,并且如果该商标尚未注册,则注册官应取消该决定,并应立即以书面通知申请人,说明取消的理由。

In the case where a cancellation order is made after the publication under Section 29, the cancellation order shall be published in the manner prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.


Section 3130 The applicant shall be entitled to appeal the Registrar’s revocation order under Section 30 paragraph one to the Trademark Board within sixty days from the date of receipt of the notification.


In the case where the applicant does not appeal under the first paragraph or where the applicant has appealed the order under the first paragraph and it is decided by the Board that the order of the Registrar is correct, the Registrar shall proceed to process the application.


If the Board decides that the cancellation order of the Registrar is nor correct, the Registrar shall:—


(1) proceed with the publication of such application if the Registrar has made the cancellation order under Section 3 paragraph one before the publication of the application under Section 29;


(2) republish the application if the cancellation of the order of the Registrar has been published under Section 30 paragraph two. Decisions of the Board under paragraphs two and three shall be final.


Section 32 If the Registrar’s cancellation order under Section 30 is given after an opposition is filed under Section 35, the Registrar shall notify the opposer in writing without delay.

第32条 如果注册官根据第30条发出的撤销决定是在根据第35条提出异议后发出的,则注册官应立即以书面形式通知异议人。

Section 3331 In cases under Section 32, if the Registrar has not made a decision on the opposition, the decision shall be delayed until the expiration of the period for appeal under Section 31 paragraph one or, until a decision of the Board is given under Section 31 paragraph two or three, as the case may be.


If the Board decides that the cancellation order of the Registrar under Section 30 is correct, the Registrar shall dismiss the opposition and shall inform the opposer in writing without delay. Such order shall be final.


If the Board decides that the cancellation order of the Registrar under Section 30 is not correct, the Registrar shall proceed to make a decision on the opposition.


Section 34 In cases under Section 32, if the Registrar has made a decision on the opposition and an appeal is made against the Registrar’s decision under Section 37, the Registrar shall inform the Board and Section 33 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

第34条 在第32条规定的情况下,如果注册官已就异议作出决定,并根据第37条对注册官的决定提出上诉,则注册官应通知委员会,并应对第33条作出必要的修改


30 Section 31 paragraph one amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

30 第31条第一款根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订

31 Section 33 paragraph one amended by Trademark Act (No. 2) B.E. 2543

31 第33条第一款根据《商标法》(第2号)B.E.2543修订


Section 3532 Upon publication of a trademark application under Section 29, any person seeing that he or she has better title to trademark than the applicant, or that the trademark is not registrable under Section 6, or that the application is not in conformity with the provisions of this Act, may file an opposition, with grounds thereof, with the Registrar within sixty days from the date of publication under Section 29.


Oppositions under the first paragraph shall comply with the rules and procedures prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.


Section 3633 If an opposition is filed under Section 35, the Registrar shall send a copy thereof to the applicant without delay.


34The applicant shall submit to the Registrar within sixty days from the date of receipt of the copy opposition, a counterstatement in the form prescribed by the Director-General stating the grounds on which he or she relies in support of the application. The Registrar shall, without delay, send a copy of the counterstatement to the opposer.


If the applicant fails to comply with the requirement under paragraph two, he shall be deemed to have abandoned his application.


35In considering and deciding the opposition, the Registrar may order the applicant and the opposer to give a statement, submit an explanation or additional evidence. If the applicant or the opposer fails to comply with the order of the Registrar within sixty day from the date of receipt of the order, the Registrar shall proceed to consider and decide the opposition on the basis of the evidence available.


Section 37 The Registrar shall in writing notify the applicant and opposer of his decision with the grounds thereof without delay.

第37条 注册官应立即将其决定及其理由以书面形式通知申请人和异议人。

36The applicant or the oppose shall be entitled to appeal the decision of the Registrar to the Trademark Board within sixty days from the date of receipt of the notification of the decision of the Registrar. The Board shall decide the appeal without delay.


Section 38 When the Board has given its decision, the decision and the grounds thereof shall, without delay, in writing be notified to the applicant and opposer.

第38条 委员会作出裁决后,应立即以书面形式将裁决及其理由通知申请人和异议人。

The applicant or opposer may appeal the decision of the Board to the court within ninety days from the date of receipt of the decision.



32 Section 35 paragraph one amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

32 第35条第一款根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订

33 Section 36 amended by Trademark Act (No. 2) B.E. 2543

33 第36条根据《商标法》(第2号)B.E.2543修订

34 Section 36 paragraph two amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

34 第36条第二款根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订

35 Section 36 paragraph four amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

35 第36条第四款根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订

36 Section 37 paragraph two amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

36 第37条第二款根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订



A case may be filed under paragraph two after the procedures prescribed in Section 37 paragraph two have been taken.


Section 39 In the case where no appeal against the decision of the Registrar is taken within the period prescribed in Section 37 paragraph two or no appeal has been taken against the decision of the Board within the period prescribed in Section 38 paragraph two, the decision of the Registrar or of the Board, as the case may be, shall be final.

第39条 如果在第37条第二款规定的期限内未对注册官的决定提出上诉,或在第38条第二款规定的期限内未对委员会的决定提出上诉,则注册官或委员会的决定(视情况而定)应为最终决定。

Section 40 In the case where there is no opposition under Section 35 or there is an opposition under Section 35 leading to a final decision or judgement that the applicant is entitled to registration, the Registrar shall order the registration of the trademark.

第40条 如果根据第35条无异议,或根据第35条有异议,导致申请人有权注册的最终决定或判决,则注册官应责令注册该商标。

37Where there is an order to register the trademark under paragraph one, the Registrar shall notify the applicant of the order in writing and the registration fee shall be paid within sixty days from the date of receipt of the notification. If the applicant fails to pay the fee within the time specified, the application shall be deemed abandoned.


The registration of trademarks shall be in accordance with the procedures prescribed in Ministerial Regulations.


Section 41 In the case where the opposer under Section 35 has also applied registration of a trademark which is identical with or similar to the trademark opposed and a final decision or judgement has been made to the effect that the opposer has better rights than the opposed applicant and if the opposer’s trademark is registrable under Section 6 and the application conforms to the provisions of this Act, the Registrar shall register such trademark in accordance with the procedures prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations without need to publish the application of the opposer again.

第41条 如果根据第35条的规定,异议人还申请了与被异议商标完全相同或相似的商标注册,并且做出了最终决定或判决,表明异议人比被异议申请人享有更好的权利,如果根据第6条,异议人的商标是可注册的,且申请符合本法案的规定,则注册官应按照《部级法规》中规定的程序对该商标进行注册,而无需再次公布异议人的申请。

Section 4238 A trademark when registered shall be deemed registered as of the date of application for registration. For the case under Section 28 or 28bis, the date of application in Thailand shall be deemed to be the date of registration of such trademark.


Section 43 Upon registration of a trademark, the Registrar shall issue to the applicant a certificate of registration in the form prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.

第43条 商标注册后,注册官应以《部级法规》中规定的格式向申请人颁发注册证书。

If a registration certificate is materially damaged or lost, the trademark may apply to the Registrar for a substitute thereof.


The issue of a substitute of a registration certificate shall be in accordance with the rules and in the form prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.


Section 44 Subject to Sections 27 and 68, a person who is registered as the owner of a trademark shall have the exclusive right to use it for the goods for which it is registered.

第44条 根据第27条和第68条的规定,注册为商标权人的人应享有将其用于已注册商品的专有权。


37 Section 40 paragraph two amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

37 第40条第二款根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订

38 Section 42 amended by Trademark Act (No. 2) B.E. 2543

38 第42条根据《商标法》(第2号)B.E.2543修订


Section 45 A trademark registered without limitation of color shall be deemed to be registered for all colors.

第45条 注册的不受颜色限制的商标应被视为已注册所有颜色的商标。

Section 46 No person shall be entitled to bring legal proceedings to prevent or to recover damages for the infringement of an unregistered trademark.

第46条 任何人无权就未注册商标的侵权行为提起法律诉讼或寻求损失赔偿。

The provisions of this Section shall not affect the right of the owner of an unregistered trademark to bring legal proceedings against any person for passing off goods as those of the owner of the trademark.


Section 47 No registration under this Act shall interfere with any bona fide use by a person of his own personal name or surname or the name of his place of business or that of any of his predecessors in business or the use by any person of any bona fide description of the character or quality of his goods.

第47条 根据本法案进行的注册不得干扰任何人对其个人姓名、姓氏、其营业场所名称或其任何前任的名称的任何善意使用,也不得干扰任何个人对其商品的性质或质量的任何善意描述的使用。

Part 3


Changes in Registration of Trademarks


Section 48 The right to a pending trademark application may be assigned or transferred by succession.

第48条 未决商标申请的权利可以通过继承转让或转移。

The assignment of the right to an application under the first paragraph shall be notified to the Registrar prior to registration by the assignor or assignee.


In the event of the death of the application, any heir of the administrator of the estate shall, prior to registration, notify the Registrar in order to give effect to the right to inherit the application.


The transfer or inheritance of rights to trademark applications under paragraph one shall be in accordance with the rules and procedures prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.


Section 49.The right to registered trademark may be assigned or transferred by succession with or without the business concerned in the goods for which the trademark is registered.

第49条 注册商标的权利可以通过与注册商标的商品相关或不相关的企业的继承转让或转移。

39Assignment or inheritance of the trademark under paragraph one may be effected in respect of all or certain items of goods.


Section 50 40 (Repealed)


Section 51 The assignment or transfer by succession of a registered trademark shall be registered with the Registrar.

第51条 注册商标的让与或继承转让应在注册官处注册。



39 Section 49 paragraph two amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B:E. 2559

39 第49条第二款根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订

40 Section 50 repealed by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

40 第50条根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559废除



Applications to register the assignment or transfer by succession of trademark under the first paragraph shall be in accordance with the rules and procedures prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.


Section 51/141 Where the assignor, the assignee or the inheritor under Section 48 or Section 49 files an application for or accepts an assignment of or inherits an application for a trademark found by the Registrar to be identical with or similar to the trademark he or she assigned, accepted an assignment thereof or inherited, whether for use with goods in the same class or in different classes having the same character, the Registrar shall not grant registration of that trademark. In such case, the provision of Section 13 or Section 20 shall apply mutatis mutandis.


Where it appears to the Registrar that the applicant or the assignee or the inheritor of the trademark application under paragraph one has received a written consent from the assignor, the assignee or the inheritor, as the case may be, special circumstances shall be presumed in respect of the said trademark application and the Registrar may allow co-existence of such identical or similar trademarks of several owners. The provision of Section 27 shall apply mutatis mutandis.


Section 52 The owner of a registered trademark may request the Registrar to amend any of the following particulars of registration:

第52条 注册商标的所有人可要求注册官对以下任何注册事项进行修订:

(1) the specification of goods by way of canceling some items;


(2) the name, nationality, address and occupation of the owner of the trademark and his agent, if any;


(3) the office or address for communication by the Registrar;


(4) other particulars as may be prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.


Applications to amend the particulars of registration under the first paragraph shall be in accordance with the rules and procedures prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.


Section 52/142 Where an application for registration of an assignment or inheritance of a trademark does not conform with Section 51 paragraph two or an application for a change in the particulars of a registration does not conform with Section 52, the Registrar shall notify the applicant or the trademark owner in writing to make an amendment within sixty days from the date of receipt of the notification.


If the applicant or the trademark owner fails to comply with the Registrar’s notification under paragraph one, the application for registration of the assignment or the inheritance or the application for a change of the particulars in the registration, as the case may, shall be deemed abandoned.




41 Section 51/1 added by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

41 第51/1条根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559增加

42 Section 52/1 added by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

42 第52/1条根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559增加



Part 4


Renewal and Cancellation of Trademark Registration



Section 53 The registration of a trademark shall have a term of ten years from the date of registration under Section 42 and may be renewed under Section 54.

第53条 根据第42条规定,商标注册的期限为自注册之日起十年,并可根据第54条规定进行续展。

The term of a trademark registration under the first paragraph shall not include the period during which court proceedings are taken under Section 38.


Section 5443 A trademark owner wishing to renew his or her trademark registration shall submit a renewal application to the Registrar and pay the renewal fee within three months prior to the expiration date.


Where the trademark owner fails to submit a renewal application within the period specified under paragraph one, he may, if still wishing to renew, submit a renewal application to the Registrar and pay the renewal fee and a surcharge of twenty percent thereof within six months of the expiration date.


During the period under paragraph two or when the trademark owner has submitted a renewal application and pay the renewal fee within the time period under paragraph one or paragraph two, as the case may be, the trademark shall be deemed registered until the Registrar orders otherwise.


Renewal of a trademark registration shall be in accordance with the rules and procedures prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.


Section 5544 Where a trademark owner submits a renewal application and pays the renewal fee within the time specified in Section 54 paragraph one or paragraph two and the Registrar finds the renewal is in accordance with the rules and procedures prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations under Section 54 paragraph four, the Registrar shall renew the registration for a further period of ten years from the date of expiration of the initial registration or of the last renewal thereof, as the case may be.


Where a trademark owner submits a renewal application and pays the renewal fee within the time specified in Section 54 paragraph one or paragraph two but the Registrar finds the renewal is not in accordance with the rules and procedures prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations under Section 54 paragraph four, the Registrar shall order the trademark owner to correct the application within sixty days from the date of receipt of the order and shall notify the trademark owner of the order in writing without delay. If the owner does not comply with the order within the specified period, the Registrar shall order cancellation of the trademark registration.




43 Section 54 amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

43 第54条根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订

44 Section 55 amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

44 第55条根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订



Section 5645 Where a trademark owner does not apply for renewal of a registration within the period specified under Section 54 paragraph two, the registration shall be deemed cancelled.

第56条45 商标权人未在第54条第二款规定的期限内申请注册续展的,视为注销注册。

Section 57 The owner of a trademark may request the Registrar to cancel his trademark registration but in the case where the trademark is the subject of a registered license agreement, the consent of the license shall be required unless the license agreement provides otherwise.

第57条 商标权人可以请求注册官撤销其商标注册,但商标属于已注册许可协议的主体的,应当征得许可协议的同意,但许可协议另有规定的除外。

Requests for cancellation of a registered trademark under the first paragraph shall be in accordance with the rules and procedures prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.


Section 58 If it appears to the Registrar that the owner of a registered trademark violates or fails to comply with the conditions or restrictions prescribed by the Registrar upon registration, the Registrar may order the cancellation of the trademark registration.

第58条 如果注册官认为注册商标权人违反或未遵守注册官在注册时规定的条件或限制,注册官可下令撤销商标注册。

Section 59 If the owner or his agent ceases to have in Thailand the office or address as registered, the Registrar shall order the cancellation of the trademark registration.

第59条 商标权人或者其代理人不再在泰国拥有注册办公室或地址,注册官应下令撤销商标注册。

If the Registrar has a reasonable cause to believe that the owner of a registered trademark or his agent has ceased to have the office or address in Thailand as registered, the Registrar shall notify the owner or his agent in writing at the register office or address to give a written explanation to the Registrar within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the notification.


If no reply is received within the period prescribed in paragraph two, the Registrar shall publish that the trademark is to be cancelled in accordance with the procedures prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.


If still no reply is received within fifteen days from the date of publication under paragraph three, the Registrar shall order the cancellation of the trademark registration.


Section 60 An order to cancel a trademark registration under Section 55 paragraph two, Section 58 or 59 paragraph one, stating the grounds therefor, shall be notified in writing to the proprietor without delay.

第60条 依照第55条第2款、第58条或者第59条第1款的规定下令撤销商标注册的,应当及时书面通知商标权人,并说明理由。

46The trademark owner shall be entitled to appeal the order of the Registrar under paragraph one to the Trademark Board within sixty days from the date of receipt of the notification of the order. If no appeal is filed within the specified period, the order of the Registrar shall be deemed final.


Decisions of the Board under paragraph two shall be final.


Section 6147 An interested person or the Registrar may petition the Board to order the cancellation of any trademark if it appears that at the time of registration the trademark:

第61条47 如果商标在注册时有以下情形的,利害关系人或注册官可以请求商标委员会下令注销该商标:


45 Section 56 amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

45 第56条根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订

46 Section 60 paragraph two amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

46 第60条第二款根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订

47 Section 60 amended by Trademark Act (No.2) B.E. 2543




(1) was not distinctive under Section 7;


(2) contained or consisted of a prohibitory characteristics under Section 8;


(3)48 the trademark is identical with a trademark registered by another person for use with goods in the same class or in different classes of the same character, or


(4) 49the trademark is so similar to a trademark registered by another person that it may confuse or mislead the public as to the ownership or origin of goods for use with goods in the same class or in different classes of the same character.


Section 62 Any person who is of the opinion that any trademark is contrary to public order or good morality or to public policy may petition the Board to cancel the trademark registration.

第62条 任何人认为任何商标违反公共秩序、良好道德或公共政策的,可以向商标委员会申诉撤销该商标注册。

Section 63 Any interested person or the Registrar may petition the Board to cancel a trademark registration if it is proved that at the time of registration the owner of the trademark had no bona fide intention to use the trademark with the goods for which it was registered and in fact there was no bona fide use whatsoever of the trademark for such goods or that during the three years prior to the petition for cancellation there was no bona fide use of the trademark for the goods for which it was registered unless the owner can prove that such non-use was due to special circumstances in the trade and not to an intention not to use or to abandon the trademark for the goods for which it was registered.

第63条 经证明,商标权人在注册时没有在其注册的商品上真正使用该商标的意图,并且事实上在该商品上没有真正使用该商标的,或者在提出撤销申诉前三年内没有真正使用该商标的,任何利害关系人或者注册官可以向商标委员会申诉撤销该商标的注册,除非该商标权人能够证明,这种未能真正使用是由于贸易中的特殊情况,而不是不打算在其注册的商品上使用或放弃该商标。

Section 64 After the receipt of a petition under Sections 61, 62, or 63, the Board shall, in writing, notify the owner and licensees, if any, to submit a reply to the Board within sixty days from the date of receipt of the notification of the Board.

第64条 在收到根据第61、62或63条提出的申诉后,商标委员会应以书面形式通知商标权人和被许可人(如有),在收到商标委员会通知之日起60天内提交答复。

Section 65 An order of the Board to cancel or not to cancel a trademark registration under Sections 61, 62, or 63 shall, without delay, be notified in writing to the petitioner for cancellation, the owner of the trademark and licensee, if any.

第65条 商标委员会根据第61、62、63条的规定作出的撤销或者不撤销商标注册的决定,应当及时书面通知撤销申诉人、商标权人和被许可人。

The petitioner for cancellation, the trademark owner or licensees may appeal the order of the Board under the first paragraph to the court within ninety days from the date of receipt of the notification. If no appeal is filed within the prescribed period, the order of the Board shall be deemed final.


Section 66 Any interested person or the Registrar may petition the Court to cancel a registered trademark by showing that at the time of filing the legal action the trademark had become common to the trade for certain kinds or classes of goods to the extent that to the trade or in the public eye the trademark had lost its meaning as a trademark.

第66条 任何利害关系人或注册官均可通过证明在提起申诉时该商标已成为该行业某些种类或类别商品的通用商标,该商标在该行业或在公众眼中已失去其作为商标的意义,向法院申诉撤销该注册商标。



48 Section 61 (3) amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

48 第61(3)条根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订

49 Section 61 (4) amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

49 第61(4)条根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订



Section 67 Within five years from the date of the Registrar’s order to register a trademark under Section 40, any interested person may petition the court to cancel a trademark registration by showing that he has better rights in the trademark than the person registered as its owner.

第67条 自注册官根据第40条作出商标注册决定之日起五年内,任何利害关系人均可,通过证明其对商标的权利优于注册为商标权人的人,向法院提出申诉,要求撤销商标注册。

If the petitioner can prove that he has better rights for only some of the goods of the class in which the mark has been registered, the court shall restrict the registration to the goods that the petitioner cannot prove that he has better rights than the trademark owner.


Part 5


Trademark Licensing


Section 68 The owner of a registered trademark may license another person to use the trademark for all or some of the goods for which the trademark is registered.

第68条 注册商标权人可以许可他人使用已注册的全部或者部分商品商标。

Trademark license agreements under the first paragraph shall be in writing and registered with the Registrar.


Applications to register a license agreement under paragraph two shall comply with the rules and procedures prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations and shall show at least the following particulars:


(1) conditions or terms between the trademark owner and licensee to insure effective control by the registered owner of the trademark over the quality of the goods of the licensee;


(2) the goods for which the trademark is to be used.


Section 69 In the case where the Registrar finds that Section 68 would not cause the public to be confused or misled and is not contrary to public order or morality or to public policy, the Registrar shall order registration of the agreement and for such purposes may impose conditions or restrictions. But if the Registrar finds that the license agreement will confuse or mislead the public or is contrary to public order or morality or to public policy, the Registrar shall refuse to register the license.

第69条 如果注册官认为第68条不会造成公众混淆或被误导,且不违反公共秩序、道德或公共政策,则注册官应下令对协议进行注册,并可为此目的增加条件或限制。但是,如果注册官认为许可协议会混淆或误导公众,或违反公共秩序、道德或公共政策,注册官应拒绝注册许可。

Orders of the Registrar under the first paragraph shall be promptly notified in writing to the owner of the trademark and persons who have applied to be registered as licensees. In the case where the Registrar has imposed conditions or restrictions or has refused registration, the said persons shall also be informed of the reasons such refuse.


50The trademark owner or the registered licensee shall be entitled to appeal the order of the Registrar under paragraph one to the Trademark Board within sixty days from the date of receipt of the notification of the order. If no appeal is filed within the specified period, the order of the Registrar shall be deemed final.




50 Section 69 Paragraph 3 amended by Trademark Act (No.3) B.E. 2559




Decisions of the Board under paragraph three shall be final.


Section 70 The use of the trademark on goods by the licensee in his business shall be deemed as the use by the trademark owner.

第70条 被许可人在其经营活动中,在商品上使用商标的,视为商标权人使用商标。

Section 71 The trademark owner together with the licensee may apply to the Registrar to amend the registration of a trademark license agreement in respect of the goods covered by the license or other conditions and restrictions included by the owner and Section 69 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

第71条 商标权人和被许可人可以就许可所涵盖的商品或商标权人增加的其他条件和限制向注册官申请修订商标许可协议的注册,第69条应比照适用。

The application to amend the registration of a license agreement under the first paragraph shall comply with the rules and procedures prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.


Section 72 The trademark owner together with the licensee may apply to the Registrar to cancel the registration of a license agreement.

第72条 商标权人和被许可人可以共同向注册官申请撤销许可协议的注册。

Either the trademark owner or the licensee may apply to the Registrar to cancel the registration of a license agreement if it can be proved to have expired.


Any interested person or the Registrar may petition the Board to cancel the registration of a trademark license agreement if it is shown that:—


(1) the use of the trademark by the licensee has confused or misled the public or is contrary to public order or morality or to public policy, or


(2) the trademark owner can no longer exercise effective control over the quality of the goods under the license.


Cancellation of trademark licenses under this Section shall comply with the rules and procedures prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.


Section 73 After the receipt of an application under Section 72 paragraph two or three, the Registrar or Board, as the case may be, in writing shall notify the trademark owner or licensee, as the case may be, to submit a reply within a prescribed period of not less than fifteen nor more than sixty days from the date of receipt of the notification.

第73条 在收到根据第72条第二款或第三款提出的申请后,注册官或商标委员会(视情况而定)应书面通知商标权人或被许可人(视情况而定)在收到通知之日起不少于15天但不超过60天的规定期限内提交答复。

In considering applications under Sections 71 and 72, the Registrar or Board, as the case may be, may require any person concerned to submit evidence or additional information.


Section 74 When an order is made under Section 72 paragraph two by the Registrar, the order together with the grounds thereof shall be promptly notified in writing to the trademark owner and licensees. The order shall take effect from the date of receipt of the notification.

第74条 注册官根据第72条第二款作出裁定后,应当将裁定及其理由及时书面通知商标权人和被许可人。该裁定自收到通知之日起生效。



51The trademark owner or the licensee shall be entitled to appeal the order of the Registrar under paragraph one to the Trademark Board within sixty days from the date of receipt of the notification. If no appeal is filed within the specified period, the order of the Registrar shall be deemed final.


52Decisions of the Board under paragraph two shall be final.


Section 75 Orders of the Board under Section 72 paragraph three, together with grounds thereof shall be promptly notified in writing to the trademark owner, licensees, petitioning interested person and Registrar. Such orders shall take effect from the date of receipt of the notification.

第75条 商标委员会根据第72条第三款做出的决定及其理由应立即以书面形式通知商标权人、被许可人、提出申请的利害关系人和注册官。该裁定自收到通知之日起生效。

The interested person or the Registrar may appeal the order to the Board to the court within ninety days from the date of receipt of the notification. If no appeal is submitted within the prescribed period, the order of the Board shall be deemed final.


Section 76 If a trademark registration is cancelled, the licensing of such a trademark shall also cease to have effect.

第76条 商标注册被撤销的,其使用许可也随之失效。

Section 77 If not otherwise provided in the license agreement, the trademark owner shall have the right to use the trademark himself and to license persons other than such licensee to use the mark.

第77条 许可协议未作约定的,商标权人有权自行使用该商标,也有权许可被许可人以外的人使用该商标。

Section 78 If not otherwise provided in the license agreement, the licensee shall have the right to use the trademark throughout the country for all the goods for which the trademark is registered and for the entire term of the trademark registration and its renewals.

第78条 许可协议未作约定的,被许可人有权在全国范围内就商标注册的所有商品使用该商标,并在商标注册及其续展的整个期限内使用该商标。

Section 79 If not otherwise provided in the license agreement, the licensee may not transfer the license to third persons nor sublicense others to use the trademark.

第79条 许可协议未作约定的,被许可人不得将许可转让给第三人,也不得再许可他人使用该商标。

Section 79/153 Unless otherwise stated in a trademark license agreement, the agreement shall not cease to be binding because of an assignment or inheritance of the trademark under the agreement.

第79/1条53 除商标使用许可协议另有约定外,协议的效力不因协议项下的商标转让或者继承而终止。

Chapter 1/154


Trademark Registration under Madrid Protocol




51 Section 74 paragraph two amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

51 第74条第二款根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订

52 Section 74 paragraph three added by Trademark Act (No. 2) B.E. 2543


53 Section 79/1 added by Trademark Act. (No. 3) B.E. 2559


54 Chapter 1/1 Trademark Registration under Madrid Protocol Section 79/2 – Section 79/15 added by Trademark Act. (No. 3) B.E. 2559




Section 79/2 In this Chapter

第79/2条 在本章中

“Madrid Protocol” means Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks adopted at Madrid on June 27, 1989 and the amendments.


“International Application” means an application for international registration of a trademark, service mark, certification mark or collective mark filed under the Madrid Protocol.


“International Bureau” means the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization.


“Office of Origin” means an office which receives an application for or grants registration of a trademark used as a base for filing an international application.


Section 79/3 Trademark registration under the Madrid Protocol shall be in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter and the provisions in Chapter 1 Trademark, except Section 10, Section 40 paragraph two and Section 59, shall apply mutatis mutandis.

第79/3条 根据《马德里议定书》进行的商标注册应符合本章的规定,除第10条、第40条第二款和第59条外,第1章商标中的规定应比照适用。

Section 79/4 A person eligible to file an international application in the Kingdom shall be one who has filed an application for or obtained a registration of the trademark in the Kingdom and has the following qualifications:

第79/4条 有资格在泰王国提出国际申请的人应当是已经在泰王国提出商标申请或获得商标注册,并符合以下条件的人:

(1) being a Thai national or a juristic person having a principal office located in Thailand, or


(2) being domiciled in Thailand, or


(3) having an effective industrial or commercial establishment in Thailand.


Section 79/5 Any person having filed an international application in the Kingdom may designate other member states for protection and may request territorial extensions for protection after having obtained an international registration.

第79/5条 在泰王国提交国际申请的任何人均可指定其他成员国进行商标保护,并可以在获得国际注册后申请地域延伸保护。

Section 79/6 When an international application requesting protection in the Kingdom is notified by the International Bureau, it shall be deemed an application in the Kingdom and the Registrar shall proceed with it under this Act.

第79/6条 请求在泰王国保护的国际申请由国际局发出通知时,应视为在泰王国的申请,注册官应根据本法案处理该申请。

Where the Registrar finds that the trademark under paragraph one lacks registrable characteristics or the application does not conform with the provisions under this Act, the Registrar shall refuse registration and inform the International Bureau, with reasons, within the time and in accordance with the rules, procedures and conditions prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.


Where the Registrar sees that there may be an opposition lodged beyond the time prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations under paragraph two, he shall notify the International Bureau in writing within the time and in accordance with the rules, procedures and conditions prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations. Where there is an order refusing registration which results from the opposition, the Registrar shall notify the International Bureau in writing, with reasons for the opposition, within the time and in accordance with the rules, procedures and conditions prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.




Absent any notification whatsoever to the International Bureau under paragraph two or paragraph three, it shall be deemed that the Registrar allows registration of the trademark without need to publish the mark under Section 29.


The trademark, once registration is granted, shall enjoy the same protection as that afforded to a trademark applied for registration in the Kingdom.


Section 79/7 When registered, the date of filing the international application with the Office of Origin shall be deemed the date of registration of the trademark, except where the International Bureau receives the international application beyond the time prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations in which casethe date of receipt of the international application by the International Bureau shall be the date of registration of the trademark.

第79/7条 商标注册后,国际申请向原属局提出之日,视为商标注册之日;但国际局在《部级法规》规定的时间以外收到国际申请的,国际局收到国际申请的日期,为商标注册之日。

A trademark registration shall be valid for ten years from the registration date stated in paragraph one and may be renewed under this Act.


Section 79/8 Where there is a territorial extension for protection in the Kingdom after the International Bureau has granted registration, the provision of Section 79/6 shall apply mutatis mutandis. In such case, it shall be deemed that the trademark has been protected in the Kingdom since the date of recordal by the International Bureau of the request for extension in the International Register and the expiration date of registration shall be the same date as that of the international registration and it may be renewed under this Act.

第79/8条 在国际局准予注册后,在泰王国有地域延伸保护的,比照适用第79/6条的规定。在这种情况下,应认为该商标自国际局在国际注册簿上注册地域延伸保护请求之日起在泰王国受到保护,注册期满日应与国际注册期满日相同,并可根据本法案续展。

Section 79/9 Where the trademark registered in the Kingdom is the same as the trademark of the international registration covering the Kingdom and both belong to the same owner, the trademark owner may request the Registrar to record the international registration to replace the national registration for all goods or certain items which are the same.

第79/9条 如果在泰王国注册的商标与覆盖泰王国的国际注册商标相同,并且两者属于同一所有人,商标权人可以要求注册官将所有相同商品或某些项目的国家注册标注为国际注册。

The provisions under paragraph one shall not prejudice any prior rights acquired by the national registration.


Section 79/10 Where the application for a trademark filed with the Office of Origin, including the registration resulting therefrom, or the registration of a trademark effected at the Office of Origin, which is used as a base for filing an international application, is withdrawn, abandoned, rejected or cancelled, as the case may be, in respect of all or some of the goods within the time period prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations, and the cancellation of the international registration of that trademark is notified by the International Bureau, it shall be deemed that the application or the registration requesting protection in the Kingdom is similarly withdrawn, abandoned, rejected or cancelled, as the case may be, in respect of all or some of the goods on the date of cancellation of the international registration.

第79/10条 在《部级法规》规定的期限内,对全部或者部分商品,向原属局提出的商标申请,包括由此产生的注册,或者作为提出国际申请基础的在原属局办理的商标注册,被撤回、放弃、驳回或者撤销的(视具体情况而定),并且国际局通知撤销该商标的国际注册,则应视为在泰王国要求保护的申请或注册在撤销国际注册之日针对全部或部分商品也同样被撤回、放弃、驳回或撤销(视具体情况而定)。



The provision under paragraph one shall also apply to a case where action for withdrawal, abandonment, rejection or cancellation has begun before the expiration of the time period prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations under paragraph one but has completed after the expiration of the said time period.


Where Thailand is the Office of Origin, when there is an occurrence under paragraph one or paragraph two, the Registrar shall notify the International Bureau in accordance with the rules, procedures and conditions prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.


Section 79/11 Where an international registration of a trademark requesting protection in the Kingdom is cancelled by the International Bureau for causes under Section 79/10, the owner of the cancelled international registration may file an application for that trademark in the Kingdom for the same goods but this must be done within the time period and in accordance with the rules, procedures and conditions prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations and the international registration date under Section 79/7 or the recordal date of the international extension under Section 79/8, as the case may be, shall be deemed the filing date in the Kingdom.

第79/11条 国际局因第79/10条规定的原因撤销在泰王国申请保护的商标国际注册的,被撤销的国际注册的所有人可以在泰王国就相同商品提出该商标的申请,但必须在规定期限内并按照《部级法规》规定的规则、程序和条件办理。第79/7条规定的国际注册日或第79/8条规定的国际地域延伸保护注册日(视情况而定)应视为在泰王国的提交日期。

Section 79/12 Summonses, notifications or other communications to the applicant of an international application or the owner of an international registration, the agents, the attorneys or other persons pursuant to this Act shall be sent to the International Bureau for further delivery to those persons, except for cases prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations Delivery of the said communications shall be in accordance with the rules, procedures and conditions prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.

第79/12条 依照本法案向国际申请申请人或国际注册拥有人、代理人、律师或其他人发出的传票、通知或其他函件,应送交国际局,由国际局进一步送交上述人员,但《部级法规》规定的情况除外。上述函件的递送应按照《部级法规》规定的规则、程序和条件进行。

Once delivered in accordance with the rules, procedures and conditions prescribed in paragraph one and upon lapse of the time prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations, it shall be deemed that the communications are received by the persons under paragraph one.


Section 79/13 Application and registration, recordal of an international registration to replace a registration in the Kingdom, request for protection, amendment of registration particulars, appeal against the Registrar’s orders and renewal of registrations including other proceedings under the Madrid Protocol shall be in accordance with the rules, procedures and conditions prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.

第79/13条 申请和注册、以国际注册代替在泰王国的注册的备案、保护请求、注册事项的修订、对注册官作出的决定提出上诉和注册续展,包括《马德里议定书》规定的其他程序,均应符合《部级法规》中规定的规则、程序和条件。

Section 79/14 Issuance of the Ministerial Regulations under Section 79/6, Section 79/7, Section 79/10, Section 79/11, Section 79/12 and Section 79/13 shall comply with the Madrid Protocol.

第79/14条 根据第79/6条、第79/7条、第79/10条、第79/11条、第79/12条和第79/13条发布《部级法规》应符合《马德里议定书》。

Expenditure for proceeding abroad under the Madrid Protocol shall be in accordance with the notification by the Director-General as prescribed by the International Bureau.


Section 79/15 The provisions in this Chapter shall, mutatis mutandis, apply to service marks, certification marks and collective marks for which international registration is sought under the Madrid Protocol, as the case may be.

第79/15条 本章的规定比照适用于根据《马德里议定书》寻求国际注册的服务商标、证明商标和集体商标,视情况而定。



Chapter II


Service And Certification Marks


Section 80 The provision concerning trademarks shall apply to service marks mutatis mutandis and the word “goods” in those provisions shall mean “services”

第80条 有关商标的规定,比照适用于服务商标,其中的“商品”一词,指“服务”

Section 81 Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, the provisions concerning trademarks shall apply to certification marks mutatis mutandis.

第81条 除本章另有规定外,商标的规定比照适用于证明商标。

Section 82 The applicant for registration of a certification mark, in addition to complying with the provisions on registration of trademarks, shall:—

第82条 证明商标注册申请人除应当遵守商标注册规定外,还应当:

(1) submit the regulations on use of the certification mark together with the application for registration and


(2) demonstrate an ability to certify the characteristics of the goods or services as provided in the regulations under (1).


The regulations under (1) shall indicate the origin, composition, method of production, quality or other characteristics which are to be certified including the rule, procedures and conditions for authorizing use of the certification mark.


Section 83 The Registrar may require the applicant for registration of a certification mark to amend the regulations on use of the certification mark as he may think fit within sixty days of the date of receipt of the order and shall in writing promptly notify the applicant of the order with the grounds therefor. Sections 18 and 19 shall apply to appeals against orders of the Registrar mutatis mutandis.

第83条 注册官可要求证明商标注册申请人在收到裁定之日起60天内修订其认为合适的证明商标使用条例,并应以书面形式迅速通知申请人该裁定及其理由。第18及19条比照适用于对注册官裁定提出的上诉。

Section 84 If the Registrar is of the opinion that the applicant for registration of a certification mark does not have sufficient ability to certify the characteristics of the goods or services as provided in the regulations on use of the certification mark or that registration of the certification mark would not be in the public interest, the Registrar shall refuse registration and shall in writing promptly notify the applicant of the order with the grounds of the refuse. Sections 18 and 19 shall apply to appeals against orders of the Registrar mutatis mutandis.

第84条 注册官认为证明商标注册申请人没有足够的能力证明该证明商标使用条例规定的商品或者服务的特征,或者认为注册该证明商标不符合公共利益的,应当拒绝注册,并将拒绝理由及时书面通知申请人。第18及19条比照适用于对注册官裁定提出的上诉。

Section 85 In the publication of an application for registration of a certification mark, the Registrar shall indicate the essential elements of the regulations on use of the certification mark.

第85条 在公布证明商标注册申请时,注册官应当说明证明商标使用条例的基本要素。

Section 86 The owner of a registered certification mark may apply to amend the regulations on use of the certification mark provided the public interest is not thereby affected.

第86条 已注册证明商标的所有人可以申请修订证明商标使用条例,但不得因此影响公共利益。

Amendments under the first paragraph shall comply with the rules and procedures prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.




Section 87 If the Registrar is that an amendment of the regulations under Section 86 are acceptable, the Registrar shall order the registration and the publication of the essential elements of the regulations as amended.

第87条 如果注册官认为根据第86条对条例的修订是可以接受的,则注册官应下令注册并公布经修订的条例的基本内容。

The Registrar shall in writing notify the owner of the certification mark of the order to advertise the amendment under the first paragraph without delay.


Section 88 If the Registrar is of the opinion that the regulations as amended under Section 86 are not acceptable, the Registrar shall refuse registration and in writing promptly notify the owner of the certification mark giving the grounds therefor,.

第88条 如果注册官认为根据第86条修订的条例不能接受,注册官应拒绝注册,并立即以书面形式通知证明商标权人,说明理由。

Section 8955 The owner of a certification mark or any other person prejudiced or to be prejudiced by the order of the Registrar under Section 87 or Section 88 shall be entitled to appeal the order to the Trademark Board within sixty days from the date of the publication under Section 87 or from the date of receipt of the notification of the Registrar’s order under Section 88, as the case may be.

第89条55 因注册官根据第87条或第88条作出裁决而受到或将受到损害的证明商标权人或任何其他人,有权在根据第87条发出公告之日起或根据第88条收到注册官裁决通知之日起(视情况而定)六十天内,就该裁决向商标委员会提出上诉。

The decision of the Board under the first paragraph shall be final.


Section 90 The owner of a registered certification mark may not use the mark on his own goods or services and may not license other persons to act as certifier by authorizing the use of the certification mark.

第90条 已注册证明商标权人不得在其商品或者服务上使用该商标,也不得许可他人以授权使用该证明商标的方式作为证明人。

Section 91 The authorization of others to use a certification mark for goods or services shall be in writing and signed by the owner of the certification mark.

第91条 授权他人在商品或者服务上使用证明商标的,应当采用书面形式,由证明商标权人签名确认。

Section 92 The right to a registered certification mark may be transferred when:—

第92条 已注册证明商标的权利在下列情况下可以转让:

(1) the transferred has been approved by the Registrar on a showing by the transferee that he has sufficient ability to certify the characteristics of the goods or services as indicated in the regulations on use of the certification mark,


(2) the transfer is in writing, and


(3) is registered by the Registrar.


In cases where the Registrar does not give approval or refuses to register the transfer, Section 84 shall apply mutatis mutandis.


Applications for approval to transfer rights and for registration of the transfer under the first paragraph shall comply with the rules and procedures prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.


Section 93 The right to certification mark shall terminate when the owner dies or loses its status of a juristic person.

第93条 证明商标权利人死亡或者丧失法人资格时,证明商标权利终止。



55 Section 89 paragraph one amended by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

55 第89条第一款根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559修订



Chapter III


Collective marks


Section 94 Except for the provisions of Chapter I, Part 5, the provisions concerning trademarks shall apply to collective marks mutatis mutandis.

第94条 除第一章第五部分的规定外,有关商标的规定比照适用于集体商标。

Chapter IV


Trademark Board


Section 9556 There shall be a committee called the Trademark Board composed of the Director-General of the Department of Intellectual Property as chairman, the Secretary General of the Juridical Council or his representative, the Attorney-General or his representative and no fewer than eight nor more than twelve other qualified persons in the fields of law or commerce with the experience in intellectual property or trademarks appointed by the Council of Ministers as members.

第95条56 应设立商标委员会,知识产权局局长担任主席,司法委员会秘书长或其代表、司法部长或其代表,以及部长会议任命的具有知识产权或商标经验的法律或商业领域不少于八名不多于十二名其他合格人员为成员。

The qualified person members under the first paragraph, at least one third of such members shall be appointed from members of the private sector.


The Board may appoint any person to be secretary or assistant secretary.


Section 96 The Board shall have the following powers and duties:—

第96条 商标委员会具有下列权利和职责:

(1) to decide appeals against orders or decisions of the Registrar under this Act;


(2)57 to consider and order on the petition for cancellation of trademarks, service marks, certification marks, collective marks or trademark license agreements under this Act;


(3) to advise and counsel the Minister on the issue of Ministerial Regulations and notifications under this Act;


(4) to consider other matters assigned by the Minister.


Section 97 Members of the Board appointed by the Council of Ministers shall serve for a term of four years.

第97条 商标委员会成员由部长会议任命,任期四年。

The term for interim appointees, whether appointed as additional members or replacement members, shall be for the unexpired term of the previously appointed members.



56 Section 95 amended by Trademark Act (No. 2) B.E. 2543

56 第95条根据《商标法》(第2号)B.E.2543修订

57 Section 96 (2) amended by Trademark Act (No. 2) B.E. 2543

57 第96(2)条根据《商标法》(第2号)B.E.2543修订



A member whose term has expired may be reappointed.


Section 98 Apart from vacating office at the expiration of their term under Section 97, members of the Board appointed by the Council of Ministers shall vacate office upon:—

第98条 除依照第97条规定在任期届满时离任外,部长会议任命的商标委员会成员在下列情况下离任:

(1) death,


(2) resignation,


(3) dismissal by the Council of Ministers,


(4) being adjudged bankrupt,


(5) being adjudged incompetent or quasi-incompetent,


(6) imprisonment under a final sentence of imprisonment unless for an offence of negligence or a petty offence.


Section 99 A quorum for meetings of the Board shall consist of at least one-half of the total number of members.

第99条 商标委员会会议的法定人数为全体成员的二分之一。

If the chairman does not attend or is not at the place of meeting, the meeting shall elect one of the members chairman for the meeting.


Decisions of the Board shall be by majority vote, each member having one vote. In case of a tied vote, the chairman of the meeting shall have an additional casting vote.


58The member of the Board who has certain interest in a matter under consideration under Section 96 (1) or (2) shall not attend the meeting on the matter.


Section 99bis59 In performing its under Section 96 (1) and (2), the Board may appoint one or more specialized committees to examine appeals against orders or decisions of the Registrar under this Act. When the examination has been completed, the committee shall submit a report to the Board for issuing an order or rendering a decision.

第99(2)条59 在履行第96(1)或(2)条规定的职责时,商标委员会可以任命一个或多个专门委员会来审查针对注册官根据本法案作出的裁决或决定的上诉。审查完成后,委员会须向商标委员会呈交报告,以便其作出裁决或决定。

The provisions of Section 99 shall apply to the meeting of specialized committees mutatis mutandis.


Section 100 The Board may appoint sub-committees to consider or do whatever may be assigned by the Board.

第100条 商标委员会可委任小组委员会审议或处理商标委员会指派的任何事宜。

Section 99 shall apply to meetings of sub-committees mutatis mutandis.




58 Section 99 paragraph four added by Trademark Act (No. 2) B.E. 2543


59 Section 99 paragraph four added by Trademark Act (No. 2) B.E. 2543




Section 10160 Appeals against orders and decisions of the Registrar and petitions for cancellation of trademarks, service marks, certification marks, collective marks and trademark or service mark license agreements under this Act shall be submitted to the Registrar in the forms prescribed by the Director-General.

第101条60 对注册官裁决和决定的上诉,以及根据本法案提出的商标、服务商标、证明商标、集体商标和商标或服务商标许可协议的撤销申请,应按照局长规定的格式提交注册官。

The procedure for deciding appeals and petitions for cancellation of trademarks under the first paragraph shall be as prescribed by the Board.


Section 102 In the performance of its duties under this Act, the Board may inquire in writing or summon the Registrar, appellants or other persons concerned to give information, explanations or opinions or to submit relevant documents or other evidence for consideration.

第102条 在履行本法案规定的职责时,商标委员会可以书面询问或传唤注册官、上诉人或其他有关人员提供信息、解释或意见,或提交有关文件或其他证据供审议。

Chapter V




Section 103 Any person shall be entitled, during office hours, to inspect the register of trademarks, service marks, certification marks and collective marks and files thereof, to obtain copies or certified copies of documents and apply for certification by the Registrar of particular of registration on payment of the fees prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.

第103条 任何人均有权在办公时间内查阅商标、服务商标、证明商标和集体商标的注册簿及其档案,取得文件的复制件或经证明的复制件,并在缴纳《部级法规》规定的费用后申请注册官对注册事项进行认证。

Section 104 Summonses, notices and other communications to an applicant, opposer, owner of a registered trademark, service mark, certification mark or collective mark, licensee or any other person pursuant to this Act shall be sent by registered acknowledgement mail to the office or address given in the application for registration or as registered, as the case may be.

第104条 依照本法案向申请人、异议人、注册商标、服务商标、证明商标或者集体商标权人、被许可人或者其他任何人发出的传票、通知和其他函件,应当以挂号回执邮件的方式寄往注册申请书中所列的或者注册时所列的办事处或者地址(视情况而定)。

If the delivery by the means set forth in the first paragraph is not possible, service may be made by an officer or by again sending by registered acknowledgement mail. If service is by an officer, if the recipient is not present, the communication may be delivered to any person of legal age who lives or works in the office or at the address or it may posted in a conspicuous place at the office or address of the recipient.


Seven days after delivery by the means set forth in paragraph two have elapsed, the communication shall be deemed to have been received by the addressee.


Section 105 For the purpose of filing cases to the court or legal proceedings concerning trademarks, service marks, certification marks or collective marks under this Act, if the applicant or owner is not domiciled in Thailand, the office or address of the person or his agent given in the application or registration shall be deemed the domicile of such person.

第105条 根据本法案,就商标、服务商标、证明商标或集体商标,向法院提起诉讼或进入法律程序时,如申请人或所有人的住所不在泰国境内,则其申请或注册中显示的个人或代理人的办公室或地址,应被视为该人的住所。



60 Section 101 amended by Trademark Act (No. 2) B.E. 2543

60 第101条根据《商标法》(第2号)B.E.2543修订



Section 106 In the case where the Registrar petitions the Board to order the cancellation of a trademark, service mark, certification mark or collective mark or the cancellation of a trademark or service mark license agreement, the Registrar shall be exempt from the payment of fees under this Act.

第106条 如注册官请求商标委员会裁定撤销商标、服务商标、证明商标或集体商标,或撤销商标或商标使用许可协议,注册官应免缴本法案规定的费用。

Section 106bis61 In performing his duties under this Act, the Registrar or competent officer shall have the following powers:

第106(2)61 注册官或主管官员在履行本法案规定的职责时,具有以下权利:

(1) To enter the place of business, place of production, place of distribution, place of purchasing and place of storage of any business operator or person, or any place in which he has a reasonable ground for suspecting that a violation of the provisions of this Act is likely to occur, or to enter a vehicle of any person, or order the owner or operator of a vehicle to stop or park to make inspection for the enforcement of this Act or to make a search or seizure of evidence or property forfeitable under this Act, or to arrest in the following circumstances:


(a) where a flagrant offence is being committed in a place or vehicle;


(b) a person having committed a flagrant offence has, while being pursued, taken refuge or there is a serious ground for suspecting that such person is concealing in the place or vehicle;


(c) where there is a reasonable ground for suspecting that evidence or property forfeitable under this Act is kept in the place or vehicle, having a legitimate reason to believe that by reason of the delay in obtaining a warrant of search the evidence or property is likely to be removed, concealed, destroyed or altered from its original conditions;


(d) when a person to be arrested is the owner of the place or vehicle and the arrest is made with a warrant of arrest or can be made without such a warrant.


For such purposes, he shall have the power to inquire or require the business operator, owner or operator of the vehicle or persons concerned to submit books of accounts, registration documents, other documents or evidence, and also order the persons in such a place or vehicle to act or perform as it is necessary.


(1) In cases where there is clear evidence to believe that any provision of this Act is violated, to seize or confiscate goods, vehicle, documents or other evidence in connection with such violation. In such a case, he shall report to the Director-General for his approval within three days and shall comply with the rules and procedures prescribed by the Director-General with the approval of the Council of Ministers.


Section 106ter62. In performing the duties under Section 106bis, the Registrar and competent officer shall produce his identification to the persons concerned.


The identification card under the first paragraph shall be in the form prescribed by the Minister in the Government Gazette.



61 Section 106bis added by Trademark Act (No. 2) B.E. 2543

61 第106(2)条根据《商标法》(第2号)B.E.2543增加

62 Section 106ter added by Trademark Act (No. 2) B.E. 2543

62 第106(3)条根据《商标法》(第2号)B.E.2543增加



Section 106quarter63. In performing his duties under this Act, the Registrar and competent officer shall be the competent official under the Criminal Code.


Chapter VI




Section 107 Any person who makes a false statement to the Registrar or Board in an application, opposition or other document filed concerning an application for registration, amendment of a registration, renewal of a registration or cancellation of the registration of a trademark, service mark, certification mark or collective mark or a license pertaining to a trademark or service mark shall be liable to imprisonment not exceeding six months or a fine not exceeding ten thousand baht or both.

第107条 任何向注册官或委员会在关于商标、服务商标、证明商标或集体商标的注册申请、注册修订、注册续展或注册注销,或与商标或服务商标有关的许可证的申请、异议或其他文件中作出虚假陈述的人员,将被处以不超过六个月的监禁或不超过一万泰铢的罚款,或两者并罚。

Section 108 Any person who counterfeits a trademark, service mark, certification mark or collective mark registered in Thailand by another person shall be liable to imprisonment not exceeding four years or a fine of not exceeding four hundred thousand baht or both.

第108条 任何人员,如伪造他人在泰国注册的商标、服务商标、证明商标或集体商标,将被处以不超过四年的监禁或不超过四十万泰铢的罚款,或两者并罚。

Section 109 Any person who imitates a trademark, service mark, certification mark or collective mark registered in the Kingdom by another person in order to mislead the public into believing that it is the trademark, service mark, certification mark or collective mark of such other person shall be liable to imprisonment not exceeding two years or a fine of not exceeding two hundred thousand baht or both.

第109条 任何人员,如伪造他人在泰国注册的商标、服务商标、证明商标或集体商标,并误导公众相信该商标、服务商标、证明商标或集体商标为其所拥有的商标、服务商标、证明商标或集体商标,应处以不超过两年的监禁或不超过二十万泰铢的罚款,或两者并罚。

Section 109/164 Any person using the packagings or utensils bearing another person’s trademark, certification mark or collective mark registered in the Kingdom with his or other persons’ goods to mislead the public into believing that the goods belong to the owner of the trademark or the collective mark or that the certification mark is allowed for use with the goods, shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding four years or a fine not exceeding four hundred thousand baht, or both.

第109/1条64 任何人员,如将带有他人在泰国注册的商标、证明商标或集体商标的包装或器具与其商品或他人的商品同时使用,并误导公众相信该商品属于商标或集体商标的商标权人,或属于该证明商标允许与商品同时使用的所有人,应处以不超过四年的监禁或不超过四十万泰铢的罚款,或两者并罚。

Section 110 Any person who:

第110条 任何人员:

(1) imports, distributes, offers for distribution or has in possession for distribution goods bearing a counterfeit trademark, service mark, certification mark or collective mark under Section 108 or an imitation trademark, service mark, certification mark or collective mark under Section 109, or




63 Section 106quarter added by Trademark Act (No. 2) B.E. 2543

63 第106(4)条根据《商标法》(第2号)B.E.2543增加

64 Section 109/1 added by Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 2559

64 第109/1条根据《商标法》(第3号)B.E.2559增加



(2) gives or offers a service under a counterfeit service mark, certification mark or collective mark under Section 108 or an imitation service mark, certification mark or collective mark under Section 109, shall be liable to the penalties provided in those Sections.


Section 111 Any person who:

第111条 任何人员:

(1) represents as registered in Thailand a trademark, service mark, certification mark or collective mark which is not so registered,


(2) distributes or has in possession for distribution goods bearing a trademark or certification mark under (1) which he knows to be falsely represented, or


(3) gives or offers a service under a service mark, certification mark or collective mark under (1) which he knows to be falsely represented, shall be liable to imprisonment not exceeding one year or fine of not exceeding twenty thousand baht or both.


Section 112 Any person who violates Section 90 shall be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty thousand baht.

第112条 违反第90条规定者,处以不超过两万泰铢的罚款。

Section 112bis65 Any person who obstructs the Registrar or Competent officer in the exercise of his functions under Section 106bis shall be liable to imprisonment not exceeding one year or a fine not exceeding twenty thousand baht or both.

第112(2)65 任何阻碍注册官或主管官员根据第106(2)条行使职能者,应处以不超过一年的监禁或不超过两万泰铢的罚款,或两者并罚。

Section 112ter66 Any person who fails to provide convenience to the Registrar or competent officer in the exercise of his functions under Section 106bis shall be liable to imprisonment not exceeding one month or a fine not exceeding two thousand baht or both.

第112(3)66 任何人如未能在注册官或主管官员根据第106(2)条行使其职能时向其提供便利,应处以不超过一个月的监禁或不超过2000铢的罚款,或两者兼施。

Section 113 The penalty for an offence under this Act committed within five years from the date of passing the punishment for another offence under this Act shall be doubled.

第113条 如受到本法案规定的一项罪行的惩罚之日起五年内犯下本法案规定的另一条罪行,其惩罚应加倍。

Section 11467 In the event an offender liable under this Act is a juristic person, if the offence is committed by an order, act, failure to give an order or failure to act as required by his duties as a director, manager or any person responsible for the operation of such juristic person, shall also be liable to the penalty prescribed for such offence.

第114条67 如果根据本法案应承担责任的违法者是法人,且违法行为是由于其作为董事未能根据职责要求,发出命令、采取行动、未能发出命令或未能采取行动造成的,负责此类法人运作的经理或任何个人,也应受到该违法行为相关的处罚。

Section 115 All goods which are imported for distribution or had in possession for distribution in violation of this Act shall be confiscated whether or not anyone has been convicted of the offence.

第115条 无论是否有人被判有罪,违反该法进口的供分销的所有货物或拥有的供分销的所有货物,将被没收。



65 Section 112bis added by Trademark Act (No. 2) B.E. 2543

65 第112(2)条根据《商标法》(第2号)B.E.2543增加

66 Section 112ter added by Trademark Act (No.2) B.E. 2543


67 Section 114 amended by Trademark Act (No. 2) B.E. 2543

67 第114条根据《商标法》(第2号)B.E.2543修订



Section 116 If there is clear evidence someone is committing or is about to commit an act under Section 108, 109 or 110, the owner of the trademark, service mark, certification mark or collective mark may apply to the court to stop or refrain from such act.

第116条 如有明确证据表明,某人正在或将要犯下第108条、第109条或第110条规定的罪行,商标、服务商标、证明商标或集体商标的所有人可以向法院申请停止或限制该行为。

Provisional Measures


Section 117 Trademarks which have been and continue to be registered under Trademarks Act B.E. 2474 on the date of entry into force of this Act shall be deemed trademarks under this Act.

第117条 根据《商标法》B.E.2474已经并将持续注册的商标,在本法案生效之日起,应被视为本法案下的商标。

Section 118 The trademark Board under the Trademarks Act B.E. 2474 in office on the date of entry into force of this Act shall, for not more than sixty days, continue to exercise their functions until there is a trademark Board under this Act.

第118条 根据本法案成立新的商标委员会之前,《商标法》B.E.2474规定的商标委员会,应在本法案生效之日起六十天内,继续行使其职能。

Section 119 All applications for trademark registration, applications to amend registrations, applications to transfer rights to trademarks and applications to renew trademarks submitted under the Trademarks Act B.E. 2474, if, prior to the date of entry into force of this Act, the Registrar:

第119条 所有根据《商标法》B.E.2474提交的商标注册申请、注册修订申请、商标权利转让申请和商标续展申请,在本法案生效之日前,若注册官:

(1) has not given any order with respect thereto, shall be treated as having been submitted under this Act and further action shall be taken under this Act;


(2) has given any order with respect thereto, shall be further processed under the Trademarks Act B.E. 2474 until the matter becomes final.


Section 120 On applying for renewal of a trademark registered under the Trademarks Act B.E. 2474 in respect of all goods in any class, the owner shall clearly specify the kinds of goods for which protection is desired. In such case, the provisions of Section 9 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

第120条 有关续展申请,根据《商标法》B.E.2474注册的商标,所有人应明确说明任何类别货物中,需要保护的货物种类。在这种情况下,应对第9条的规定作出必要的修改

Section 121 Appeals against orders or decisions of the Registrar and oppositions under the Trademarks Act B.E. 2474 which are pending prior to the date of entry into force of this Act shall be governed by the Trademarks Act B.E. 2474 until they become final.

第121条 在本法案生效之日前,《商标法》B.E.2474中对注册官的命令或决定提出的上诉以及未决的异议,应受《商标法》B.E.2474制约,直到事件最终解决。

Section 122 Periods of time for submitting appeals, oppositions, counterstatements and notifications to the Registrar that agreement has been reached or legal proceedings filed under the Trademarks Act B.E. 2474 if not yet elapsed prior to the date of entry into force of this Act shall be counted anew from the date this Act comes into force.

第122条 根据《商标法》B.E.2474,向注册官提交的已达成协议或已提起法律诉讼的上诉、异议、反声明和通知(在本法案生效之日前尚未结束)的期限,应自本法案生效之日起重新计算。

Section 123 All Ministerial Regulations, notifications, rules and orders issued under the Trademarks Act B.E. 2474 shall continue in effect insofar as they are not contrary to or inconsistent with this Act until the Ministerial Regulations and notifications issued under this Act become effective.

第123条 在根据本法案发布的《部级法规》和通知生效前,根据《商标法》B.E.2474发布的所有《部级法规》、通知、条例和法令,若其不违反本法案或与本法案相符,应持续有效。



Official Fees68



Application for registration of a trademark, service mark, certification mark or collective mark




(a) 1 to 5 items of goods or services in each class


1,000 baht per item



(b) over 5 items of goods or services in each class


9,000 baht per class



Representation of trademark, service mark, certification mark or collective mark exceeding 5 cm in width or length


200 bath per centimeter



Fraction of a centimeter shall be counted as a centimeter




Opposition against an application under (1)


2,000 baht per opposition



Application to assign rights to an application for a trademark, service mark, certification mark or collective mark


2,000 baht per application



Registration of a trademark, service mark, certification mark or collective mark




(a)1 to 5 items of goods or services in each class


600 baht per item



(b)over 5 items of goods or services in each class


5,400 baht per class



Replacement certificate of registration


200 baht per copy



Application to register an assignment or inheritance of a trademark, service mark, certification mark or collective mark


2,000 baht per application




68 Official Fees amended by Trademark Act (No.3) B.E. 2559





Application to amend registration particulars under (5)


400 baht per application



Renewal of registration under (5)




(a)1 to 5 items of goods or services in each class


2,000 baht per item



(b)over 5 items of goods or services in each class


18,000 baht per class



Petition to the Trademark Board to cancel the registration under (5)


1,000 baht per request



Application for registration of a trademark or service mark license


1,000 baht per application



Registration of a trademark or service mark license


2,000 baht per license



Application to amend the registration particulars under (12)


400 baht per application



Petition to cancel the registration under (12)


400 baht per request



Application to amend the application under (1), (7) or (11)


200 baht per application



Application to amend rules of a certification mark




(a) before registration of the certification mark


200 baht per application



(b) after registration of the certification mark


400 baht per application





(a)Appeal against the Registrar’s order under Section 16, Section 17, Section 27 or the Registrar’s decision under Section 37


4,000 baht per appeal





(b)Appeals under other provisions


2,000 baht per appeal



Search of registration particulars of trademarks, service marks, certification marks or collective marks or files thereof


200 baht per hour



Fraction of an hour shall be counted as an hour




Request for an extract of register of trademarks, service marks, certification marks or collective marks, with certification


400 baht per copy



Request for copy documents


20 baht per page



Request for certification of documents of the same case




(a)not over 40 pages


20 baht per page



(b)over 40 pages


800 baht per copy



Request for certification of registration


100 baht per copy



Other applications


200 baht per application



Preparation and delivery of an international application or other applications under Madrid Protocol




(a) Preparation and delivery of an application for registration


2,000 baht per application



(b) Preparation and delivery of a renewal application, an application for assignment, an application for amendment and other applications


1,000 baht per request



(c) Request for recordal of an international registration to replace a registration in the Kingdom


2,000 baht per request




Trademark Act B.E. 2534


Remarks: The reasons for enactment of this Act are as follows. The Trademark Act B.E. 2474 had been promulgated and enforced for a long time. The provisions are obsolete and cannot protect the rights of the trademark owner efficiently. Also, the service mark the certification mark and trademark or service mark license are being widely known and legally protected in many countries, are still not protected under Thai law. Furthermore the aforementioned Act has some inadequate provisions, such as, power and duties of Registrars and Trademark Board as well as the right of applicants are not expressly legalized. This absence causes a lot of difficulties in practice. It is expedient the revise the Act. It is, therefore, necessary to enact this Act.



Countersigned by



Anand Panyarachun

Prime Minister



Published in the Government Gazette Vol. 108 Part 199 special edition page 7 dated 15 November B.E. 2534 (1991)



Trademark Act (No. 2) B.E. 2543


Remarks: The reasons for enactment of this Act are as follows. The plurilateral trade negotiation at Uruguay Round where many countries had agreed on TRIPS and the establishment of World Trade Organization (WTO) had been achieved with success and came into force. Therefore, Thailand, as a member of WTO, has an obligation to implement the aforementioned agreement in order to achieve an efficient protection of intellectual property. Also, it is expedient to revise the conditions, characteristics and the prohibitions of registration of trademarks, the cancellation and the related procedures, the collection of publication’s fee and the composition, power and duties of the Trademark Board, as well as to provide for the assignment of the officer under this Act and the empowerment the power of Registrar in considering the opposition to the registration. It is, therefore, necessary to enact this Act.


Section 27 Any trademark applications, service mark application, certification mark application and collective mark application, which are filed before the entry into force of this Act, shall be deemed applications under the Trademark Act B.E. 2534, amended by this Act.

第27条 在本法案生效之前提交的任何商标申请、服务商标申请、证明商标申请和集体商标申请,都应被视为根据本法案修订后的《商标法》B.E. 2534提交的申请。

Section 28 The Minister of Commerce shall have the charge and control of the execution of This Act.

第28条 商务部部长管理和控制本法案的实施。



Countersigned by



Chuan Leekpai

Prime Minister



Published in the Government Gazette Vol. 117 Part 29a page 11 dated 1 April B.E. 2543 (2000)



Trademark Act (No. 3) B.E. 255969


Section 2 This Act shall come into force at the expiration of ninety days from the date of its publication in the Government Gazette, except for the provision of section 31 for which a Royal Decree shall be issued as to its effective date.

第2条 本法案自在《政府公报》上公布之日起九十天后生效,除第31条规定的生效日期由皇家法令确定。

Section 34 The official fees annexed to the Trademark Act B.E. 2534 as amended by the Trademark Act (No. 2) B.E.2543 shall be cancelled and the official fee annexed to this Act shall be adopted.

第34条 经《商标法》(第2号)B.E.2543修订的《商标法》B.E.2534所附官方费用应予取消,并采用本法案所附官方费用。

Section 35 Subject to Section 36 applications filed before the effective date of this Act shall be deemed applications filed under the Trademark Act B.E. 2534 as amended by this Act and shall be processed as follows:

第35条 在不违反第36条规定的情况下,在本法案生效日之前提交的申请应被视为根据本法案修订后的《商标法》B.E.2534提交的申请,并应按以下方式处理:

(1) where the Registrar has issued an order, the said application shall be processed under the provisions of the Trademark Act B.E. 2534 in force before the effective date of this Act until finality due.

(1)如果注册官已发布命令,上述申请应根据本法案生效日之前有效的《商标法》B.E. 2534的规定处理,直至该法案到期为止。

(2) where the Registrar has not issued an order, the said application shall be processed under the provisions of the Trademark Act B.E. 2534 as amended by this Act.

(2)在注册官未发布命令的情况下,上述申请应根据本法案修订后的《商标法》B.E. 2534的规定进行处理。

Levy of official fees for applications under paragraph one shall be subject to the provisions of the Trademark Act B.E. 2534 in force before the effective date of this Act until finality.

根据第一款规定,对申请征收的官方费用,应遵守本法案生效日之前有效的《商标法》B.E. 2534的规定,直至该法案到期为止。

Associated trademarks, service marks, certification marks, or collective marks effected before this Act comes into force shall be deemed trademarks, service marks, certification marks or collective marks with no association orders under the Trademark Act B.E. 2534 as amended by this Act.

本法案生效前已生效的关联商标、服务商标、证明商标或集体商标,应被视为本法案修订后的《商标法》B.E. 2534中规定的无关联命令的商标、服务商标、证明商标或集体商标。

Section 36 Where several applicants have filed applications for trademarks, service marks, certification marks or collective marks before the effective date of this Act and the Registrar has given orders that the said marks are identical or similar but has not given orders to the applicants to agree as to which one shall be the sole registered owner, the applications in such case shall be processed in accordance with the Trademark Act B.E. 2534 as amended by this Act.

第36条 如果多个申请人在本法案生效之日前提交了商标、服务商标、证明商标或集体商标申请,且注册官已下令认定上述商标相同或近似,但未下令就哪位申请人应为唯一注册拥有人达成一致意见,在这种情况下,应根据本法案修订后的《商标法》B.E. 2534处理这些申请。


69 Trademark Act (No. 3) translated by Boonma Tejavanija

69《商标法》(第3号)译者:Boonma Tejavanija



Section 37 An order for cancellation of a trademark, service mark, certification mark or collective mark under Section 58 and Section 59 of the Trademark Act B.E. 2534 issued by the Registrar before the effective date of this Act, shall be executed and the official fees levied under the provisions of the Trademark Act B.E. 2534 in force before the effective date of this Act until a cancellation order or a non-cancellation order is given, as the case may be.

第37条 注册官在本法案生效之日前根据《商标法》B.E. 2534第58条和第59条发布的撤销商标、服务商标、证明商标或集体商标的命令应予以执行,并根据本法案生效之日前有效的《商标法》B.E. 2534的规定征收官方费用,直至发布撤销命令或不撤销命令(视情况而定)。

Section 38 All Ministerial Regulations or Notifications issued under the Trademark Act B.E. 2534 in force before the effective date of this Act shall continue in effect insofar as they are not contrary to or inconsistent with the Trademark Act B.E. 2534 as amended by this Act until ministerial regulations or notifications issued under the Trademark Act B.E. 2534 as amended by this Act come into force.

第38条 在本法案生效之日前根据《商标法》B.E. 2534发布的所有《部级法规或通知》,只要不违反或不与经本法案修订的《商标法》B.E. 2534相抵触,均应持续有效,直至根据本法案修订后的《商标法》B.E. 2534发布的《部级法规或通知》生效。

Section 39 The Minister of Commerce shall have charge and control of the execution of this Act.

第39条 商务部部长管理和控制本法案的实施。


Remarks: The reasons for enactment of this Act are as follows. Nowadays, protection of trademarks at the international level extends to new types of marks which are not covered by the provisions of the Trademark Act B.E. 2534. Also, as Thailand would accede to the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks (Madrid Protocol) the salient feature of which provides for the filing of a single international application for protection of trademarks, service marks, certification marks and collective marks in the member states, it is expedient to expand the scope of trademark protection and to amend the provisions of the relevant part of this Act to conform to the said Madrid Protocol. Besides, as packagings or utensils bearing another person’s registered trademark, certification mark or collective mark are used deceptively thus causing damage to the public and the said trademark owner, it is expedient to penalize and determine penalty for the said act. It is also expedient to revise the registration procedure and time period for more clarity and explanation and to amend the official fees annexed to the Act for more appropriateness. It is, therefore, necessary to enact this Act.

备注:颁布本法案的原因如下。如今,商标的国际保护范围已扩展至《商标法》B.E. 2534未涉及到的新型商标。2534.同时,由于泰国将加入《商标国际注册马德里协定有关议定书》(简称《马德里议定书》),该议定书的显著特点是规定在成员国申请保护商标、服务商标、证明商标和集体商标,只需提交一份国际申请。其有利之处是,扩大了商标保护范围,并对该法案相关部分的规定做出了修订,使其符合《马德里议定书》的要求。此外,鉴于带有他人注册商标、证明商标或集体商标的包装或器具的使用存在欺骗性,从而对公众和上述商标权人造成损害,因此应对上述行为进行处罚并确定罚则。此外,为使注册程序和期限更加明确,有必要对注册程序和期限进行修订,并对该法案所附的官方费用进行修订,使其更加适合。因此,颁布本法案是有必要的。


Countersigned by



General Prayut Chan-o-cha


Prime Minister



Published in the Government Gazette Vol. 133 Part 38a page 23 dated 29 April B.E. 2559 (2016)




Compiled by Puttipat Jiruschamna

编者:Puttipat Jiruschamna

版权所有:国家海外知识产权纠纷应对指导陕西分中心  主办单位:国家级陕西省知识产权保护中心
