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Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin
(Chinese and English are unofficial translation)
Appellations of Origin
This Law shall govern the relations arising out of the registration, legal protection and use of trademarks, service marks and appellations of origin in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Article 1 Basic definitions used in this Law
第1条 本法使用的基本定义
The following basic definitions shall be used in this Law:
(1) “Gazette” means an official periodical on trademarks and appellations of origin protection matters published by Kazpatent;
(2) “Owner of the trademark or owner of the right to use the appellation of origin” means a legal entity or a natural person engaged in business activity and having an exclusive right in trademark or an exclusive right to use the appellation of origin under this Law;
(3) “Geographical indication” means an indication identifying goods that originate in a certain territory, region or place;
(4) “Applicant” means a legal entity or a natural person who has filed an application for registration of the trademark or for registration and grant of the right to use the appellation of origin;
(5) “Exclusive right” means an economic right of the owner to use the trademark or the appellation of origin in any way at his discretion;
(6) “Use of trademark or appellation of origin” means the use of a trademark or an appellation of origin on goods for which they are protected and/or on the packaging thereof, manufacture, use, importation, storage, offering for sale, sale of goods designated by a trademark or by an appellation of origin, use on signs, in advertising, in printed publications or in other business documents as well as any other form of marketing;
(7) “Collective trademark” means the trademark of an association (union) or any other group of legal entities and (or) individual businessmen (hereinafter referred to as “association”) serving to designate products (service) manufactured or brought into circulation by them that have common qualitative or other characteristics;
(8) “International Classification of Goods and Services” means classification adopted by the Nice Agreement of June 15, 1957 as revised and amended;
(9) “Appellation of origin” means the geographical indication serving to designate a product, the specific properties of which are exclusively or essentially connected with the place of production thereof, including natural and (or) human factors;
(10) “Well-known trademark” means a trademark recognized as well-known in virtue of international agreements to which the Republic of Kazakhstan is party, by a competent authority or court decision based on proof furnished by interested persons;
(11) “Patent agents” means nationals who are entitled by legislation to represent natural persons or legal entities before Kazpatent;
(12) “Trademark or service mark (hereinafter referred to as “trademark”) means sign, registered under this Law or protected without registration in virtue of international treaties to which the Republic of Kazakhstan is party, serving to distinguish the goods (services) of one legal entity or natural person from goods and services of the same type of other legal entities or natural persons.
Article 2 Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin
第2条 哈萨克斯坦共和国关于商标、服务商标和原产地名称的立法
(1) The legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on trademarks, service marks and appellations of origin consists of this Law and other legislative and regulatory texts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
(2) Where an international treaty which is ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan contains provisions that differ from those laid down by this Law, the provisions of such international treaty shall prevail.
Article 3 “Competent State Authority”
第3条 “国家主管当局”
The National Patent Office (hereinafter referred to as “KAZPATENT” shall, within the terms of this Law, be responsible for the State monopoly in the field of the legal protection of trademarks and appellations of origin, the receiving of applications for registration of trademarks, registration and granting the right to use appellations of origin, examination thereof and issue of certificates, shall publish official notifications on registration of trademarks and granting the right to use appellations of origin and perform other functions of a Patent office.
Article 4 Legal protection of trademarks
第4条 商标的法律保护
(1) The legal protection of trademarks shall be granted in the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of the registration thereof under the provisions of this Law as well as without registration in virtue of international treaties to which the Republic of Kazakhstan is party.
(2) The legal protection of trademarks may be granted to any legal entity or natural person engaged in a business activity.
(3) The right in a trademark shall be attested by a certificate.
(4) The owner of the trademark shall have the exclusive right of use and disposal thereof in relation to the goods and services specified in the certificate.
No one may use a trademark protected in the Republic of Kazakhstan without the consent of the owner thereof.
Article 5 Signs registered as trademarks
第5条 注册为商标的标志
(1) Figurative, verbal, in letters, digital, three-dimensional and other signs or combinations thereof serving to distinguish goods and services of one person from similar goods and services of other persons may be registered as trademarks.
(2) A trademark may be registered in any color or combination of colors.
Article 6 Statutory grounds for refusal of registration of a trademark
第6条 驳回注册商标的法定理由
(1) Trademarks may not be registered where they consist solely of signs that are not distinctive, in particular:
- that have become the customary designation for goods of a particular type;
- 已成为某一特定类型商品的习惯名称;
- that are symbols or terms in common use;
- 常用符号或术语;
- that specify the type, quality, quantity, properties, function or value of the goods, or the place and time of their manufacture or sale;
- 指明商品的类型、质量、数量、特性、功能或价值,或其制造或销售的地点和时间;
- that represent life-size or schematic picture of goods for which the registration is sought;
- 代表申请注册的商品的实物大小或示意图;
- that represent solely colors.
- 仅代表颜色。
These signs may be used as unprotected elements of a trademark if they are not predominant.
(2) Those signs may not be registered as trademarks that reproduce armorial bearings, flags or emblems of States, abbreviated or full names of international organizations, official signs or hallmarks of control, warranty or assay, Olympic symbol, decorations and other honorary signs as well as signs that are confusingly similar to such signs,
Such signs may be used as unprotected elements, provided that there is a consent for this of a competent authority or the owner thereof.
(3) Signs may not be registered as trademarks or as elements thereof:
- that are inaccurate or liable to mislead as to the product or its producer, including geographical indications liable to mislead as to the place of product manufacture;
- 对产品或其生产商不准确描述或该描述容易产生误导,包括对产品制造地容易产生误导的地理标志;
- that formally indicate the real place of product manufacture, but give a wrong impression that the product originates from another territory;
- 正式表明产品制造的真实地点,但给人错误印象,认为产品来自另一个地区;
- that are or include geographical indications identifying mineral waters, wines or hard liquors, to designate such products not originating from this place or where a translation is used or a sign is accompanied by such expressions as “type” or “style” or something like that;
- 是或包括识别矿泉水、葡萄酒或烈性酒的地理标志,以指明并非源自该地的产品,或使用翻译或标志附有“类型”或“风格”等表述的产品;
- that are contrary to the public interest, humanitarian principles or morality.
- 违反公共利益、人道主义原则或道德。
Article 7 Other grounds for refusal of registration of Trademark
第7条 驳回注册商标的其他理由
(1) Those signs may not be registered as trademarks that are identical or confusingly similar to:
(a) trademarks registered in the Republic of Kazakhstan earlier in the name of other person for goods or services of the same type;
(b) trademarks that are well known in the Republic of Kazakhstan for goods and services of any type;
(c) signs in respect of which an application for registration has been filed previously with Kazpatent in the name of a third party for goods and services of the same type, (excepting those withdrawn);
(d) certification marks registered according to the established procedure in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
(e) appellations of origin protected in the Republic of Kazakhstan, except where they can be incorporated as unprotected elements in a trademark registered in the name of a person authorized to use the said appellation of origin.
(2) Those signs shall not be registered as trademarks that constitute reproduction of:
- industrial designs protected in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the name of other persons on condition that they have priority;
- 在哈萨克斯坦共和国以他人名义保护的工业外观设计,条件是此等人士享有优先权;
- trade names (or parts of trade names) widely known in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and belonging to third parties whose right to the said names came into being before the priority date of the application for registration of the mark for goods of the same type;
- 哈萨克斯坦共和国境内广为人知、属于第三方的商品名称(或部分商品名称),其对上述名称的权利在同类商品商标注册申请的优先权日之前产生;
- titles of known literary, scientific or artistic works, or artistic works or parts of such works, that are protected by copyright;
- 受版权保护的已知文学、科学或艺术作品或艺术作品或部分作品的名称;
- surnames, forenames, pseudonyms and names derived therefrom, and portraits and likenesses, where the reproduction of those elements infringes the non-pecuniary personal rights of the persons concerned, or their heirs or successors in title, or where those elements form part of the historical and cultural heritage of the Republic of Kazakhstan and are reproduced without the consent of the competent authority;
- 姓氏、名字、假名和由此产生的姓名、肖像等,复制这些内容侵犯了有关人员或其继承人或所有权继承人的非金钱个人权利,或这些内容构成哈萨克斯坦共和国历史和文化遗产的一部分且未经主管当局同意复制;
Article 8 Filing of the application
第8条 提交申请
(1) The application for registration of the trademark shall be filed by applicant or applicants with Kazpatent.
(2) The application for registration of a collective trademark shall be filed in the name of the association in accordance with an agreement of its participants on use of the collective trademark.
Article 9 Requirements for an application for registration of the trademark
第9条 商标注册申请的条件
(1) The application shall relate to one trademark only.
(2) The application shall be submitted on an official form and shall contain:
- a request for registration of a sign as a trademark, in which the name of the applicant and his headquarters or residence shall be specified;
- 商标注册申请,其中应指明申请人的名称及其总部或住所;
- the sign in respect of which the application is filed;
- 申请所涉及的标志;
- the list of goods and (or) services for which registration of the trademark is sought, grouped in accordance with the International Classification of goods and services.
- 申请注册商标的商品和(或)服务清单,并已按照国际商品和服务类别分类。
(3) The application shall be accompanied by:
- proof of payment of the prescribed fee;
- 支付规定费用的证据;
- power of attorney where the office work is done through a representative.
- 通过代表完成办公室工作的委托书。
(4) The application and any annexed documents shall be drawn in the Kazakh or Russian language. If the documents are submitted in another language the applicant shall submit their translation into Kazakh or Russian language within two months period.
(5) The filing date of an application shall be the date on which Kazpatent has received an application that meets requirements of the par.2 of this Article.
(6) The conditions to be met by the documents constituting an application shall be laid down by Kazpatent.
Article 10 Priority of the Trademark
第10条 商标优先权
(1) The priority of a trademark shall be determined by the filing date of the application in Kazpatent.
(2) The priority of a trademark may be determined by the filing date of the first application for the trademark in a State party to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property as well as in the international or regional organization provided for in the Convention (Convention priority) provided that Kazpatent receives the application within six months following the said date. When requesting convention priority the applicant has to indicate number, date and country of its filing and to enclose an attested copy of the first application.
(3) The priority of a trademark affixed to a product displayed at officially recognized international exhibitions may be determined by the date as from which the product in question was on public display at the said exhibition (exhibition priority), provided that Kazpatent receives the application within six months following the said date.
(4) The applicant wishing to enjoy either Convention or exhibition priority shall so declare and submit the documents substantiating the validity of such a claim on filing the application for registration or within two months following the date of receipt of the application by Kazpatent.
(5) In case of a divided application the priority of each of them shall be determined by the priority date of the first application.
Article 11 Examination procedure
第11条 审查流程
(1) The examination of the application shall be carried out by Kazpatent and shall comprise the following stages:
- preliminary examination shall be carried out within a period of two months, in order to verify the contents of the application, the presence of the required documents and their compliance with the conditions set forth in Articles 5 and 9 of this Law;
- 应在两个月内进行初步审查,以核实申请的内容、所需文件及其是否符合本法第5条和第9条规定的条件;
- full examination shall be carried out within twelve months following the date of receipt of the application in order to verify the compliance of the trademark with the conditions set forth in Articles 6 and 7 of this Law.
- 应在收到申请之日起十二个月内进行全面审查,以核实商标是否符合本法第6条和第7条规定的条件。
(2) At any stage of the examination Kazpatent may request additional elements, which shall be submitted to it within a period of three months following the date of request sent to the applicant.
If, within the period allowed, the applicant neither supplies the additional elements nor files a request for extension of the said period, the examination of his application shall be discontinued, and the application shall be considered withdrawn.
Article 12 Decisions on the Examination Findings
第12条 关于审查结果的决定
(1) Depending on the finding of the preliminary examination the applicant is informed either that his application has been taken into consideration, that a corresponding number has been assigned to it, the filing date and priority date have been determined or that his application has been rejected, in which case the notification shall take the form of reasoned conclusion.
(2) Depending on the finding of the full examination, Kazpatent shall decide either to register the trademark or to refuse such registration. The decision on the registration can relate either to all list of goods and services or to a part thereof.
(3) The decision to register the trademark may be reconsidered before its entering in the State Register of Trademarks where another application previously registered has been found.
(4) The applicant shall have the right, within the three months following the date on which he has received the examination finding, to appeal the decision. Depending on the results of consideration of the appeal, the decision is taken either to register the trademark or to confirm wholly or in part the previous decision.
(5) In the event of disagreement with the decision taken at the end of examination under par.4 of this Article, the applicant may, within three months following the date of receipt thereof, to appeal the decision in Kazpatent. The appeal shall be considered by the Board of Appeal within four months following the date of its receipt.
Article 13 Rights of the Applicant
第13条 申请人权利
The applicant shall have the right:
- to withdraw his application at any stage of the examination;
- 在任何审查阶段撤回申请;
- to intervene in connection with any question raised in the course of the examination of his application;
- 就审查其申请过程中提出的任何问题进行干预;
- to add to, specify or correct the elements of the application, without thereby substantively altering them, until the end of full examination;
- 增加、具体说明或更正申请书的内容,但不因此对其进行实质性改动,直至全面审查结束;
- to request extension of the time limit to submit an answer or to lodge an objection but not for more than six months;
- 要求延长提交答复或提出异议的时限,但不得超过六个月;
- to request restoration of the expired time limit, but not later than two months following the expiration of the time limit concerned;
- 要求恢复已到期的时限,但不得迟于有关时限到期后两个月;
- to acquaint himself with documents cited against his application.
- 熟悉针对其申请而引用的文件。
Article 14 State Register of Trademarks
第14条 国家商标注册簿
(1) Trademarks shall be registered in the State Register of Trademarks.
(2) The following shall be entered in the State Register of Trademarks:
- a reproduction of the trademark;
- 商标复制品;
- the particulars concerning its owner;
- 有关其所有人的详情;
- the number and registration date of the trademark;
- 商标编号和注册日期;
- the list of goods and services for which the trademark is registered;
- 注册商标的商品和服务清单;
- the number and the date of filing of the application in Kazpatent;
- 在国家知识产权局提交申请的编号和日期;
- country, number and filing date of the first application where the Convention priority is established;
- 确立《公约》优先权的第一份申请的国家、编号和提交日期;
- other particulars concerning the registration of the trademark.
- 商标注册的其他事项。
(3) The State Register of Trademarks shall be open to everybody. Kazpatent shall issue an excerpt from the State Register of Trademarks at the request of any interested party.
(4) The owner of the trademark have to inform Kazpatent of all changes concerning registration.
Article 15 Term of the Registration
第15条 注册期限
(1) The term of the registration of the trademark shall be 10 years from the date of the filing of the application.
(2) The term of the trademark registration may be renewed for further periods of 10 years at the request of the owner, which request shall be filed in the course of the last year of the current term of the registration. The mention of the renewal of the term of the registration shall be recorded in the State Register of Trademarks and in the certificate.
(3) The time limit for request provided for in par.2 of this Article may be restored at owner’s demand made within six months following expiration of the term of the registration.
Article 16 Publication of Particulars of the registration
第16条 公布注册详情
The particulars concerning the trademark registration that have been recorded in the State Register of Trademarks as well as subsequent amendments concerning the registration shall be published in the Gazette by Kazpatent directly after their entering in the State Register of Trademarks.
Article 17 Conditions Governing Re-registration of the Trademark
第17条 商标重新注册的条件
When the term of the registration of the trademark has expired, that trademark may not be reregistered in the name of a person other than the previous owner for a period of three years following the date on which the term of the registration ended.
This condition shall apply also where the owner of the trademark has renounced the mark prior to the expiration of the term of the registration.
Article 18 Trademark Certificate
第18条 商标证书
(1) A certificate of a standard pattern shall be issued for a trademark registered under this Law.
(2) The trademark certificate certifies the fact of the trademark registration, its priority, the exclusive right of the trademark owner for goods and services specified in the certificate.
(3) The form of the certificate shall be determined by Kazpatent.
Article 19 Conditions of the trademark exploitation
第19条 商标使用的条件
(1) The owner of the trademark shall be bound to exploit the trademark.
(2) Entrepreneurs who engage in intermediary activity shall have the right to make use, on the goods that they sell, of their own trademarks in conjunction with the trademark of the manufacturer of the goods or, subject to his agreement, in place of the latter’s trademark.
(3) Owners of a collective trademark may affix their own individual trademarks in conjunction with the collective trademark on goods that they manufacture.
(4) Any interested party may file with Kazpatent a request for the cancellation of the registration of the trademark where the trademark has not been exploited in the five years following the date of registration thereof or in the five years preceding the filing date of the request. The request may relate to all or a part of goods specified in the certificate and shall be considered by the Board of Appeal within six months following the date of its receipt.
The use of a trademark on goods for which it is registered and (or) on the packaging thereof shall be deemed to constitute exploitation of the trademark. The use of the trademark in advertising, in printed publications, on official headed paper, on signs or in connection with the display of goods at exhibitions that take place in the Republic of Kazakhstan may be considered as the exploitation thereof.
The decision on whether or not to cancel the registration of the trademark for want of exploitation may be subject to the consideration of proof submitted by the owner to show that the failure to exploit the trademark is due to factors beyond his control.
(5) Persons who began to use in good faith a trademark that is identical with or confusingly similar to a registered appellation of origin not less than six months prior to the registration date of the appellation of origin, retain the right to use it subsequently for a period fixed by Kazpatent, but not less than seven years beginning from the date of that registration. Where the trademark has not been used or has been used for less than six months prior to the registration date of an appellation of origin, the effect of the trademark shall be terminated prematurely.
Article 20 Special marking
第20条 特殊标记
The owner of a trademark certificate may add alongside the trademark a special marking by Latin letter ® or by verbal signs “trademark” or “registered trademark” indicating that the used sign is registered in Kazakhstan as a trademark.
Article 21 Transfer of the Right to the Trademark
第21条 商标权转让
(1) The exclusive right to the trademark in respect of all or some of the goods and services specified in the certificate may be contractually assigned by the owner thereof to another person.
No transfer of the right to the trademark shall be allowed where it might mislead as to the product or its manufacturer.
The transfer of the right to the trademark, including contractual or successional transfer, shall be registered in Kazpatent.
(2) The right to exploit a trademark may be granted by the owner thereof (licensor) to another person (licensee) under the terms of a license agreement in respect of all or some of the goods and services specified in the certificate.
The license contract allowing to licensee to exploit the trademark shall specify that the quality of the licensee’s goods or services shall not be inferior to that of the licensor’s goods and services and that the observance of the said condition may be ensured by the licensor.
The effects of the license contract shall end with the end of the right to a trademark.
The transfer of the right to the trademark to another person shall not entail the cessation of the license contract.
(3) Trademark assignment contract or license contract shall be done in writing and registered in Kazpatent. In the absence of writing and registration the contract shall be deemed null and void.
Article 22 Transfer of the right to a trademark in the event of rectructuring of the Legal person by dividing
第22条 法人分割重组中的商标权转让
In the event of the division of a legal entity the right to a trademark shall be transferred to the newly created legal entity to which the manufacture of the goods or the corresponding service activity has been transferred.
Where each of newly created legal entities retains part of the activities relating to manufacture of goods or services, for which the trademark is registered, new legal entities shall be recognized as joint owners of the trademark, provided that they agree between themselves.
Article 23 Contestation of the trademark registration
第23条 商标注册争议
(1) The registration of the trademark may be contested and invalidated either entirely or in part at any time during its term if the conditions specified in Articles 6 and 7, excepting Article 7(1)(a-c) of this Law, were not met, when it was effected or, during the five years following the date of the trademark registration, if it was effected in violation of requirements set forth in Article 7(1)(a-c) of this Law.
(2) Any interested person may, on grounds specified in par.1 of this Article, file with Kazpatent opposition to the registration of the trademark.
The opposition shall be considered by the Board of Appeal within six months following the date of its receipt. The person that filed the opposition as well as the owner of the trademark have the right to participate in the proceeding.
Article 24 Termination of the Registration of the Trademark and its invalidation
第24条 商标注册的终止与无效
(1) The registration of the trademark shall cease to produce its effect:
- on the expiration of the term provided for in Article 15 of this Law;
- 本法第15条规定的期限届满;
- in case of liquidation of the legal entity or cessation of activity by a natural person that owns the trademark;
- 拥有商标的自然人清算法人实体或停止活动;
- on renunciation in writing by the owner of the trademark;
- 商标所有人以书面形式弃权;
- in case of non-use of the trademark in accordance with Article 19(4) of this Law;
- 根据本法第19(4)条未使用商标;
- in case of registration of identical or confusingly similar appellation of origin in accordance with Article 19(5) of this Law.
- 依照本法第19(5)条,注册为与原产地名称相同或容易混淆。
(2) The registration of the trademark shall be deemed invalidated entirely or in part by the decision of the Board of Appeal or Court on the grounds provided for in Article 23(1) of this Law.
(3) Kazpatent makes an entry into the State Register of Trademarks concerning a cancellation of the trademark registration because of expiration of its term or its invalidation.
Article 25 Legal protection of Appellations of Origin
第25条 原产地名称的法律保护
(1) Legal protection of appellations of origin shall be granted in the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of their registration effected in accordance with the provisions of this Law or under international treaties to which the Republic of Kazakhstan is party.
(2) The exclusive right to use the appellation of origin may be granted to one or several legal entities or natural persons engaged in business activities, manufacturing in this geographical area goods the properties of which are related, exclusively or mostly, to this geographical area, including natural and (or) human factors.
Article 26 Designations registered as appellations of origin
第26条 注册为原产地名称的名称
The name of a country, locality, region, including their historical names, as well as names of other geographical objects or their combination with specific appellations of goods may be registered as appellations of origin.
Article 27 Designations not registered as appellations of origin
第27条 未注册为原产地名称的名称
The following designations shall not be registered as appellations of origin:
- those that represent the name of geographical area, but are confusing as to the place of manufacture of that product;
- 标明地理区域名称,但与该产品的制造地混淆不清的;
- those that formally indicate the real place of manufacture of a product but give an erroneous idea that this product originates from another territory;
- 正式标明某一产品的真实制造地,但错误地认为该产品来自另一地区;
- those that contain geographical indications not related to a place of manufacture and are widely used in the Republic of Kazakhstan as designations of some known goods.
- 含有与制造地无关的地理标志,但在哈萨克斯坦共和国被广泛用作某些已知商品的名称。
Article 28 Filing of the application
第28条 提交申请
The application for registration of an appellation of origin and granting of right to use the appellation of origin (hereinafter referred to as “the application”) shall be filed with Kazpatent by the applicant.
Article 29 Conditions to be met by the Application
第29条 申请应满足的条件
(1) The application shall relate to one appellation of origin only.
(2) The application shall be presented on a standard form and shall contain:
- a request for registration and (or) the grant of the right to use the appellation of origin, in which the applicant and also his headquarters or place of residence shall be specified;
- 申请注册和(或)授予使用原产地名称的权利,其中应指明申请人及其总部或居住地;
- the designation in respect of which the application is made;
- 申请所针对的名称;
- the type of product;
- 产品类型;
- a description of the particular properties of the product;
- 产品特性说明;
- a mention of the place of manufacture thereof (limits of the geographical area).
- 提及制造地(地理区域的限制)。
(3) The application shall be accompanied by the following:
- document proving the payment of the prescribed fee;
- 支付规定费用的证据;
- a statement from the competent body to the effect that the applicant is located in the geographical area specified and manufactures a product whose particular properties are determined by natural and (or) human factors characteristic of the geographical area in question;
- 主管机构的声明,大意是申请人位于指定的地理区域,并制造了一种产品,其特性是由有关地理区域特有的自然和(或)人为因素决定的;
- in the case of a foreign applicant a document attesting his right to use the appellation of origin in question in the country of origin of the product;
- 如属外国申请人,须提供证明其有权在产品原产国使用有关原产地名称的文件;
- a document attesting the powers of the representative (if the application is filed through such a representative).
- 证明该代表权力的文件(如果该代表提出了申请)。
(4) The application and annexed documents shall be written in the Kazakh or Russian language. If the said documents are written in another language the applicant shall submit within two months following the date of filing of the application their translation into the Kazakh or Russian language.
Article 30 Examination procedure
第30条 审查流程
(1) Within six months following the filing date of the application Kazpatent shall carry out an examination during which it verifies the compliance of the application with conditions set out in articles 26, 27 and 29 of this Law.
(2) At any stage of the examination Kazpatent may request additional elements which shall be submitted to it within a period of three months following the date of sending of the request to the applicant.
If, within the period allowed, the applicant neither supplies the additional elements nor files a request for extension of the said period, the examination of his application shall be discontinued and the application considered withdrawn.
Article 31 Decisions on the Examination Findings
第31条 关于审查结果的决定
(1) On the basis of the examination findings Kazpatent shall decide:
- either that the application has been taken into consideration and a number assigned to it, or that the application has been rejected, in which case the decision shall take the form of reasoned conclusion;
- 申请已考虑并编号,或申请已驳回,在后一种情况下,决定应为推理性结论形式;
- to register the appellation of origin and (or) grant the right to use it;
- 注册原产地名称和(或)授予使用原产地名称的权利;
- to refuse the registration of the appellation of origin and (or) the grant of the right to use it.
- 驳回注册原产地名称和(或)授予其使用权。
(2) The applicant may, within three months following the date of receipt of the decision concerning the refusal to register the application, to submit a reasoned objection with request to reconsider the examination findings.
In the case of disagreement with this new decision the applicant may contest it under the procedure specified in Article 12(5) of this Law.
Article 32 Rights of the Applicant
第32条 申请人权利
In the case of the examination of the appellation of origin the applicant shall have the rights specified in Article 13 of this Law.
Article 33 Procedures of Conduct of the State Register of Appellations of Origin
第33条 国家原产地名称注册簿实施流程
(1) The registration of appellations of origin and grant of the right to use appellations of origin are being effected in the State Register of Appellations of origin on the basis of the examination findings.
(2) The following shall be entered in the State Register of Appellations of origin:
the appellation of origin itself, the number and the date of registration, a description of the particular properties of the product, the particulars of all owners of the right to use appellations of origin with a mention of their location, numbers and dates of filing of the applications and other particulars concerning the registration.
(3) The owner of the right to use the appellation of origin shall be obliged to inform Kazpatent of all changes concerning the registration. A mention on changes shall be entered by Kazpatent in the State Register of Appellations of origin and in the certificate.
(4) Kazpatent shall issue an excerpt from the State Register of Appellations of origin at the request of any interested party.
Article 34 Term of the registration of the appellation of origin and of the right to use the appellation of origin
第34条 原产地名称和原产地名称使用权的注册期限
(1) The registration of the appellation of origin shall have an effect without time-limit on condition that a product manufactured in the territory of a said geographical area retains the properties of the product.
(2) The term of the right to use the appellation of origin shall be 10 years from the date of filing of the application with Kazpatent.
(3) The term of the right to use the appellation of origin shall be extended by periods of 10 years at the demand of the owner filed during the last year of its term provided that the product in respect of which the appellation of origin has been registered retains its properties.
(4) The demand to extend the term of the right to use the appellation of origin shall be submitted simultaneously with a statement by a competent authority in accordance with Article 29 of this Law. Any extension of term of the registration shall be recorded in the State Register of Appellations of origin and in the certificate.
(5) The time-limit to file a demand fixed in par.3 of this Article shall be restored at the request of the owner filed during six months following the expiration of the term of the registration.
Article 35 Publication of the particulars on the registration
第35条 公布注册详情
The particulars on the registration of the appellation of origin and the granting of right to use the appellation of origin as well as any subsequent changes shall be published by Kazpatent in the Gazette immediately after their entering in the State Register of Appellations of Origin.
Article 36 Certificate Attesting the Right to Use the Appellation of Origin
第36条 原产地名称使用权证书
(1) The certificate of a determined form shall be issued for the appellations of origin registered in accordance with this Law.
(2) The certificate attests the fact of the registration of the appellation of origin and the exclusive right of the owner to use it in respect of product specified in the certificate.
(3) The form of the certificate shall be determined by Kazpatent.
Article 37 Conditions governing Exploitation of the Appellation of Origin
第37条 使用原产地名称的条件
(1) The owner of the right to use the appellation of origin shall have the exclusive right to use it.
(2) The geographical indication may not be used without registration where it is identical with or confusingly similar to the appellation of origin that has been registered for similar goods.
(3) The appellations of origin may not be used where they are or include geographical indications identifying mineral waters, wines or hard liquors, to designate such products not originating from this place even if the real place of origin is indicated or a translation is used or a sign is accompanied by such expression as “type” or “style” or something like that.
(4) The alienation, other transactions concerning transfer of the right of use of an appellation of origin and the grant of the right to use the appellation of origin on the basis of a license agreement shall not be authorized.
Article 38 Special marking
第38条 特殊标记
The owner of the right to use the appellation of origin may add alongside the appellation of origin a special marking by Latin letter ® or by verbal signs “registered appellation of origin” or “reg. AO”.
Article 39 Contestation of the appellation of origin registration and (or) of granting of the right to use the appellation of origin
第39条 原产地名称登记争议和(或)原产地名称使用权授予争议
(1) The registration of the appellation of origin and (or) of the granting of right to use the appellation of origin may be contested and invalidated if the conditions specified in Articles 26, 27 and 29 of this Law, were not met.
(2) Any interested person may, on grounds specified in par.1 of this Article, file with Kazpatent opposition to the registration of the appellation of origin and (or) of granting of the right to use the appellation of origin.
The opposition shall be considered under procedure and within time-limit provided for in Article 23(2) of this Law.
Article 40 Termination of the registration of the Appellation of Origin and of the Right to use the Appellation of Origin and their invalidation
第40条 原产地名称和原产地名称使用权注册的终止及其无效
(1) The registration of the appellation of origin shall cease to produce its effect:
- where the factors characteristic of the geographical area in question are no longer present, making it impossible to manufacture a product with the properties specified in the State Register of Appellations of Origin for the appellation of origin in question;
- 所涉地理区域的特征因素已不复存在,致使无法生产具有国家原产地名称注册簿所列原产地名称特性的产品;
- in the event of the end of the legal protection for the appellation of origin in the country of origin.
- 原产国对原产名称的法律保护终止。
(2) The validity of the right to use the appellation of origin shall terminate:
- on the expiration of its term specified in Article 34 of this Law;
- 本法第34条规定的期限届满;
- where the product no longer possesses the specific properties recorded in the State Register of Appellations of Origin in relation to the appellation of origin in question.
- 产品不再拥有国家原产地名称注册簿中记录的与有关原产地名称相关的特定特性;
- on the basis of a request of the owner of the right to use the appellation of origin filed with Kazpatent;
- 向国家知识产权局提出原产地名称使用权的所有人提出请求的;
- in the event of liquidation of the legal entity or cessation of business activity by a natural person who owns the right to use the appellation of origin.
- 拥有原产地名称使用权的自然人清算法人实体或停止商业活动。
(3) The registration of the appellation of origin and (or) of granting of the right to use the appellation of origin shall be deemed invalidated by the decision of the Board of Appeal or Court on grounds specified in Article 39(1) of this Law.
(4) Kazpatent makes an entry into the State Register of Appellations of Origin concerning a cancellation of the registration of the appellation of origin or of granting of the right to use the appellation of origin because of the termination of their validity or their invalidation.
Article 41 Board of Appeal
第41条 上诉委员会
(1) The Board of Appeal, a structural unit within Kazpatent, shall be the competent authority entrusted with extrajudicial consideration of disputes relating to the notice of opposition filed in accordance with Article 12(5), Article 19(4), Article 23(2) and Article 39(2) of this Law.
The Statute of this Board of Appeal and the appropriate procedure for filing and consideration of the notice of opposition shall be approved by Kazpatent.
(2) The filed notice of opposition shall be considered by a collegium of experts of the Board of Appeal within the time limit prescribed by this Law.
The said time limit may be extended, at the request of the contestant or the owner of the trademark or of the right to use the appellation of origin, for the period not exceeding six months from the date of expiration of the prescribed time limit.
(3) The contestant, the trademark owner or the owner of the right to use the appellation of origin may contest in court the decision of the Board of Appeal within six months following the date of receipt of the decision.
Article 42 Settlement of Disputes
第42条 争议的解决
(1) The competence of the courts shall extend to disputes arising from:
- the legality of the grant of a certificate;
- 颁发证书的合法性;
- infringements of the exclusive right of the trademark owner or the owner of the right to use the appellation of origin;
- 侵犯商标所有人的专用权或原产地名称使用权所有人的专用权;
- the conclusion and execution of license contracts for the use of the trademark;
- 订立和执行商标使用许可合同;
- other disputes arising out of the protection of rights evidenced by a certificate.
- 由证书所享有的权利保护引起的其他争议。
(2) Kazpatent shall, on the basis of a court decision, publish information on changes concerning the registration.
Article 43 Liability of legal entities or natural persons for infringement of laws on trademarks and appellations of origin
第43条 法人或自然人违反商标和原产地名称法的责任
(1) A non-authorized marketing of a trademark or an appellation of origin or of signs that are confusingly similar to them in relation of similar goods or services shall be considered as an infringement of the exclusive right of the trademark owner or the owner of the right to use the appellation of origin.
(2) Any person who uses the protected trademark or the appellation of origin or a sign that is confusingly similar to it, violating requirements of this Law, shall be liable to sanctions under the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Article 44 Obligations of the person who infringes the rights of the trademark owner or the owner of the right to use the appellation of origin
第44条 侵犯商标所有人或者原产地名称使用权所有人权利之人士的义务
Any person who unlawfully uses a trademark or an appellation of origin or a sign that is confusingly similar to it shall be bound:
- to discontinue their use and to compensate the trademark owner or the owner of the right to use the appellation of origin for the amount of the prejudice caused;
- 停止使用原产地名称,并赔偿对商标所有人或原产地名称使用权所有人造成的损害;
- to destroy the manufactured representation of the trademark or of the appellation of origin, to remove from a product, its packaging, headed forms or other documentation the unlawfully used trademark or appellation of origin, as well as a sign that is confusingly similar to them.
- 销毁制造的商标或原产地名称,从产品、其包装、标题表格或其他文件中移除非法使用的商标或原产地名称以及与其混淆相似的标志。
Where this requirement cannot be met, the goods in question shall be destroyed under procedure provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Article 45 Fees for Legal Acts Payable to Kazpatent
第45条 应付给国家知识产权局的法律行为费用
The performance by Kazpatent of legal acts provided for in this Law including the receipt of applications for registration of a trademark, applications for registration and grant of the right to use the appellation of origin, carring out examination, issue of certificates and any other acts giving rise to rights and obligations for participating parties, shall, under legislation in force, be subject to payment of fees to Kazpatent.
Article 46 Patent Agents
第46条 专利律师
(1) Natural persons who are nationals of the Republic of Kazakhstan having their residence in its territory and whose professional qualities meet the prescribed requirements may qualify for a patent agent. The requirements to be met by patent agents and the appropriate procedure for their qualification and registration shall be determined by Kazpatent.
(2) Natural persons having their residence outside the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign legal entities shall be required to act through patent agents registered with Kazpatent in all proceedings conducted for the purpose of registration of trademarks and appellations of origin, for lodging an appeal with the Board of Appeal and participating in its consideration.
Natural persons having their permanent residence in the Republic of Kazakhstan but temporarily residing outside its territory may act on their own in all proceedings conducted for the purpose of registration of trademarks and appellations of origin provided that they indicate the address for business in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
(3) The powers of the patent agent shall be certified in a power of attorney.
Article 47 Registration abroad
第47条 国外注册
(1) The legal entities and natural persons of the Republic of Kazakhstan may have a trademark registered abroad or have it registered internationally. The application for international registration of the trademark shall be filed through Kazpatent.
(2) The registration of the appellation of origin abroad may be effected after its registration and receipt of the right to use this appellation of origin in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Article 48 Rights of Foreign Natural Persons, Legal Entities and Stateless Persons
第48条 外国自然人、法人和无国籍人的权利
Foreign natural persons, legal entities and stateless persons shall enjoy the rights and have the obligations provided for in this Law on the same footing as natural persons and legal entities of the Republic of Kazakhstan unless otherwise provided for by legal enactments of the Republic of Kazakhstan.