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(Chinese and English are unofficial translation)


On 18 March 2022


























18 March 2022


P.U. (A) 68
















IN exercise of the powers conferred by section 87 of the Patents Act 1983 [Act 291], the Minister makes the following regulations:


Citation and commencement


  1. (1) These regulations may be cited as the Patents (Amendment) Regulations 2022.
  2. (1)本条例可称为2022年专利(修订)条例》

(2) These Regulations come into operation on 18 March 2022.


General amendment


  1. The Patents Regulations 1986 [P. U. (A) 327/1986], which are referred to as the “principal Regulations” in these Regulations, are amended—

2.《1986年专利条例》【P. U. (A) 327/1986】,在本条例中称为“主要条例”,现予修订——

(a) by substituting for the word “Gazette” wherever appearing the words “Official Journal”;


(b) by substituting for the word “send” wherever appearing the word “issue”;


(c) by substituting for the word “mailing” wherever appearing the word “issuance”;


(d) in the English language text, by substituting for the words “Board of Examiners” and “board of Examiners” wherever appearing the words “Board of Examinations”;


(e) in the national language text, by substituting for the words “Lembaga Pemeriksa”wherever appearing the words “Lembaga Peperiksaan”; and

(e)在国语文本中,将“Lembaga Pemeriksa”替换为“Lembaga Peperiksaan”;和

(f) by substituting for the words “Secretary-General” wherever appearing the word “Corporation”.


Amendment of regulation 2


  1. Regulation 2 of the principal Regulations is amended by inserting after subregulation (2) the following subregulation:
  2. 主要条例中条例2现予修订,在次级条例(2)之后加入以下次级条例:

“(3) Unless otherwise provided in these Regulations, any request for a refund of the fees paid to the Patent Registration Office shall—


(a) be made in writing to the Registrar;


(b) be made within the period as may be determined by the Registrar; and


(c) be subjected to the conditions as may be determined by the Registrar.”.


Amendment of regulation 3


  1. Regulation 3 of the principal Regulations is amended—
  2. 主要条例中条例3现予修订——

(a) by inserting after the words “referred to in” the words “the Act and”; and


(b) by substituting for the words “Schedule II” the words “the directive”.


Amendment of regulation 4


  1. The principal Regulations are amended by substituting for regulation 4 the following regulation:
  2. 主要条例现予修订,将条例4替换为以下条例:



4. In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires—

4. 在本部分,除非上下文另有规定,否则——


“application” means an application for the grant of a patent and “applicant” shall be construed accordingly;



“claim” means an independent claim or a dependent claim.”.


Amendment of regulation 5


  1. Paragraph 5(1)(b) of the principal Regulations is amended by inserting after the word “description” the words “including a sequence listing, if any”.
  2. 主要条例中第5(1)(b)款现予修订,在“说明书”之前加入“序列表(如有)等”。

Amendment of regulation 5A


  1. Regulation 5A of the principal Regulations is amended—
  2. 主要条例中条例5A现予修订——

(a) in subregulation (1), by substituting for the words “three copies” the words “one copy, but the Registrar may require that the international application be filed in more than one copy”; and


(b) by deleting subregulation (2).


Amendment of regulation 7


  1. Subregulation 7(1) of the principal Regulations is amended by substituting for the words “on Form 1” the words “in the form as determined by the Registrar”.
  2. 主要条例中次级条例7(1)现予修订,将“以表格1形式”替换为“以注册官确定的形式”。

New regulation 7A


  1. The principal Regulations are amended by inserting after regulation 7 the following regulation:
  2. 主要条例现予修订,在条例7之后加入以下条例:

“Application for grant of written authority.


7A. (1) An application for the grant of a written authority under subsection 23A(2) of the Act shall be made to the Registrar in the form as determined by the Registrar and accompanied by—



(a) a payment of the prescribed fee; and


(b) a description of the invention to be filed outside Malaysia.



(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(b), the description shall contain the particulars as may be determined by the Registrar.”.


Amendment of regulation 10


  1. Regulation 10 of the principal Regulations is amended—
  2. 主要条例中条例10现予修订——

(a) in subregulation (1), by inserting after the words “the request” the words “for the grant of a patent under subregulation 7(1)”;


(b) in subregulation (2)—


(i) by inserting after the words “the request” the words “for the grant of a patent under subregulation 7(1)”; and


(ii) by inserting after the words “to the patent” the words “in the form as determined by the Registrar together with the payment of the prescribed fee”; and


(c) by substituting for subregulation (3) the following subregulation:


“(3) For the purposes of subregulations (1) and (2), if a patent agent is appointed, the request for the grant of a patent shall be accompanied with a request for the appointment of a patent agent in the form as determined by the Registrar together with the payment of the prescribed fee.”.


New regulation 12A


  1. The principal Regulations are amended by inserting after regulation 12 the following regulation:
  2. 主要条例现予修订,在条例12之后加入以下条例:

“Sequence listing.


12A. (1) Where a description discloses a sequence, the application shall contain a sequence listing

12A. (1)如果一份说明书披露一个序列,则申请书应载有一个序列表

(2) A sequence listing shall be submitted to the Registrar—


(a) as a separate part of the description; and


(b) in the standard—


(i) as determined by the Registrar; and


(ii) as adopted under the Patent Cooperation Treaty.”.


Amendment of regulation 18


  1. Regulation 18 of the principal Regulations is amended—
  2. 主要条例中条例18现予修订——

(a) in subregulation (1), by substituting for the words “duplicate” and “two copies” the words “one copy”;


(b) by inserting after subregulation (1) the following subregulations:


“(1A) The application and any accompanying statements or documents shall be filed in the following order:


(a) a request for the grant of a patent;


(b) a description;


(c) a claim or claims;


(d) an abstract;


(e) a drawing or drawings, where required; and


(f) a sequence listing, if any.


(1B) Each of the application and any accompanying statements or documents referred to in subregulation (1A) shall begin on a new sheet of paper.”;


(c) in subregulation (7), by substituting for the words “All sheets” the words “The pages of the description, a claim or claims; and an abstract”;


(d) by inserting after subregulation (7) the following subregulation:


“(7A) In addition to the requirements specified in subregulation (7), if an application contains a drawing or drawings and sequence listing, such drawing or drawings and sequence listing shall be numbered at the top of the sheet of paper and in the middle consecutively but as a separate series from each other and from the description, claim or claims and abstract as specified in subregulation (7).”; and


(e) by inserting after subregulation (11) the following subregulations:


“(12) A sequence listing shall be submitted to the Patent Registration Office in a physical computer storage device containing a copy of the sequence listing according to the standard as determined by the Registrar and the standard adopted under the Patent Cooperation Treaty.


(13) The physical computer storage device submitted to the Registrar under subregulation (12) shall comply with the requirements as may be determined by the Registrar.”.


Amendment of regulation 19A


  1. Regulation 19A of the principal Regulations is amended—
  2. 主要条例中条例19A现予修订——

(a) by renumbering the existing provision as subregulation (1); and


(b) by inserting after subregulation (1) as renumbered the following subregulation:


“(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1)(b), the applicant may notify the Registrar in writing if he intends not to make a request for the division of the application during the period specified in paragraph (1)(b).”.


Amendment of regulation 21


  1. Paragraph 21(1)(d) of the principal Regulations is amended by substituting for the words “State” and “State or States” wherever appearing the word “country”.
  2. 主要条例中第21(1)(d)款现予修订,将“州”替换为“国家”。

New regulation 23A


  1. The principal Regulations are amended by inserting after regulation 23 the following regulation:
  2. 主要条例现予修订,在条例23之后加入以下条例:

“Request for restoration of right of priority.


23A. (1) For the purposes of a patent application filed at the Patent Registration Office except for the filing of an international application at the Patent Registration Office under section 78G of the Act, where an application claiming the right of priority has a filing date later than the date on which the right of priority period under subsection 27(1) of the Act expires but within the period of two months from that expiry date, the applicant may file a request for a restoration of right of priority on the ground that the failure to file the application within the right of priority period is unintentional and the request shall be made to the Registrar not later than the period of two months from the date on which the right of priority period expires.

23A. (1)就向专利注册处提交的专利申请而言,除了根据本法案第78G条向专利注册处提交国际申请之外,如果要求优先权的申请的提交日期晚于本法案第27(1)条规定的优先权期限到期日,但在该到期日起两个月内,则申请人可以未能在优先权期限内提交申请是无意的为理由提出优先权恢复请求,该请求应在优先权期限到期日起两个月内向注册官提出。


(2) For the purposes of an international application entering the national phase under section 78O or 78OA of the Act, where an international application claiming the right of priority has an international filing date later than the date on which the priority period expires but within the period of two months from that expiry date, the applicant may file a request for a restoration of right of priority on the ground that the failure to file the international application within the right of priority period is unintentional and the request shall be made to the Registrar not later than—


(a) the period of one month from the expiration of thirty months from the priority date of the international application; or


(b) the period of one month from the request made by the applicant for examination of an international application under subsection 78O(3) of the Act.


(3) Where an international application entering the national phase under section 78O or 78OA of the Act with restoration of right of priority granted by a receiving office and the Registrar has a doubt that the requirements for the grant of the restoration has been satisfied by the applicant, the Registrar shall notify the applicant of the doubt and give the applicant an opportunity to make observations within the period of one month from the date of issuance of the notification.



(4) A request under subregulations (1) and (2) shall be made to the Registrar in the form as determined by the Registrar together with the payment of the prescribed fee and shall be accompanied by a statement of the reasons for restoration of right of priority and evidence in support by way of a statutory declaration.


(5) Except for subregulation (2), where a request for an early publication has been made under paragraph 33D(1)(b) of the Act, a request for a restoration of right of priority shall not be considered by the Registrar, unless such request for an early publication is withdrawn by the applicant.


(6) Where the Registrar determines that the conditions referred to in subsection 27(1B) of the Act and this regulation have been satisfied, the Registrar shall grant the restoration of right of priority and notify the applicant accordingly.


(7) Where the conditions referred to in subsection 27(1B) of the Act and this regulation have not been satisfied, the Registrar shall notify the applicant that the Registrar intends to refuse the request and give the applicant an opportunity to make observations within the period of one month from the date of the notification.



(8) If the applicant fails to satisfy the Registrar that the conditions are satisfied after the opportunity to make observation under subregulation (7) is given, the Registrar shall refuse the request and the declaration claiming the priority under subsection 27(1) of the Act shall be deemed to be invalid under subsection 27(4) of the Act.


(9) If the application under this regulation is refused by the Registrar under subregulation (8), the Registrar shall notify the applicant of the refusal and shall state the reasons therefor.”.


Amendment of regulation 24


  1. Regulation 24 of the principal Regulations is amended—
  2. 主要条例中条例24现予修订——

(a) in subregulation (1)—


(i) by substituting for the words “on Form 2” the words “in the form as determined by the Registrar together with the payment of the prescribed fee”; and


(ii) by deleting the words “so authorized for that specific purpose”; and


(b) in subregulation (2), by deleting the words “so authorized for that specific purpose”.


Amendment of regulation 25


  1. Regulation 25 of the principal Regulations is amended—
  2. 主要条例中条例25现予修订——

(a) in subregulation (1), by deleting the words “in the form of a copy of the request”;


(b) in subregulation (2), by inserting after the word “Act” the words “or the required payment of the prescribed fee for each subsequent claim under subsection 28(2A) of the Act”; and


(c) in subregulation (3)—


(i) by substituting for the word “invalid” the word “abandoned”; and


(ii) by substituting for the words “section 28(3)” the words “paragraph 28(3)(b)”.


Amendment of regulation 25A


  1. Subregulation 25A(1) of the principal Regulations is amended by substituting for the words “Patents Form No. 2A” the words “in the form as determined by the Registrar”.
  2. 主要条例中次级条例25A(1)现予修订,将“专利表格2A”替换为“以注册官确定的形式”。

Amendment of regulation 26


  1. Subregulation 26(1) of the principal Regulations is amended by substituting for the words “regulations 5, 6, 7(1), 8, 9, 10, 11,18 and 51” the words “regulations 5 and 6, subregulation 7(1), and regulations 8, 9, 10, 11,12A, 18 and 51”.
  2. 主要条例中次级条例26(1)现予修订,将“条例5、6、7(1)、8、9、10、11、18和51”替换为“条例5和6、次级条例7(1)以及条例8、9、10、11、12A、18和51”。

Amendment of regulation 27


  1. Regulation 27 of the principal Regulations is amended—
  2. 主要条例中条例27现予修订——

(a) in subregulation (1), by substituting for the words “on Form 5” the words “in the form as determined by the Registrar”;


(b) in subregulation (1A), by substituting for the words “Patents Form No. 5” the words “the form as determined by the Registrar”;


(c) by inserting after subregulation (2) the following subregulation:


“(2A) If no request for a substantive examination is made for the division of the application under subregulation (2), the division of the application shall be deemed withdrawn.”;


(d) in subregulation (3), by substituting for the words “shall, where appropriate,” the word “may”; and


(e) by deleting subregulation (4).


Amendment of regulation 27A


  1. Regulation 27A of the principal Regulations is amended—
  2. 主要条例中条例27A现予修订——

(a) in subregulation (1), by substituting for the words “on Form 5A” the words “in the form as determined by the Registrar”;


(b) in subregulation (1A), by substituting for the words “Patents Form No. 5A” the words “the form as determined by the Registrar”; and


(c) by inserting after subregulation (2) the following subregulation:


“(2A) If no request for a modified substantive examination is made for the division of the application under subregulation (2), the division of the application shall be deemed withdrawn.”.


Amendment of regulation 27B


  1. Regulation 27B of the principal Regulations is amended—
  2. 主要条例中条例27B现予修订——

(a) in the marginal note, by deleting the words “substantive examination and”;


(b) by substituting for subregulation (1) the following subregulation:


“(1) A request for a deferment of the filing of a request for a modified substantive examination under regulation 27A shall be made to the Registrar in the form as determined by the Registrar together with the payment of the prescribed fee.”;


(c) by substituting for subregulation (2) the following subregulation:


“(2) For the purposes of subsection 29A(7) of the Act and subject to subregulation 27B(3), the maximum period of deferment allowed for the filing of a request for a modified substantive examination shall be five years from the filing date of the application.”; and


(d) in subregulation (3), by deleting the words “paragraph (a) of”.


Amendment of regulation 27C


  1. Subregulation 27C(4) of the principal Regulations is amended by substituting for the words “two months” the words “three months”.
  2. 主要条例中次级条例27C(4)现予修订,将“两个月”替换为“三个月”。

Amendment of regulation 27D


  1. Subregulation 27D(5) of the principal Regulations is amended by substituting for the words “two months” the words “three months”.
  2. 主要条例中次级条例27D(5)现予修订,将“两个月”替换为“三个月”。

New regulation 27F


  1. The principal Regulations are amended by inserting after regulation 27E the following regulation:
  2. 主要条例现予修订,在条例27E之后加入以下条例:

“Publication of patent application.


27F. For the purposes of subsection 33D(1) of the Act, the following information relating to an application shall be published by the Registrar in the Official Journal:

27F. 就本法案第33D(1)条而言,注册官应在官方公报上公布以下与申请相关的信息:


(a) the number of the application;


(b) the filing date of the application;


(c) the name of the applicant;


(d) the name of the inventor, if any;


(e) the name of patent agent, if any;


(f) the title of the invention;


(g) the priority date of the application and the name of the country in which or for which the earlier application was filed, if any; and


(h) the abstract.”.


New regulation 28A


  1. The principal Regulations are amended by inserting after regulation 28 the following regulation:
  2. 主要条例现予修订,在条例28之后加入以下条例:

“Third party observation.


28A. (1) Any person may make an observation of an application in the form as determined by the Registrar together with the payment of the prescribed fee within the period of—

28A. (1)任何人均可在以下期限内以注册官确定的形式对申请提出意见,并缴付订明费用——

(a) three months from the date of the application under section 33D of the Act; or


(b) three months from the date of the international application entering the national phase under section 78O or 78OA of the Act.



(2) The third party observation made under subregulation (1) shall be—


(a) for the purposes of an application, limited to the ground of novelty specified under section 14 of the Act or inventive step specified under section 15 of the Act; or


(b) for the purposes of application for the grant of a certificate of utility innovation, limited to the ground of novelty specified under section 14 of the Act; and


(c) accompanied by—


(i) an explanation on the grounds of the observation; and


(ii) a documentary evidence by way of statutory declaration to support the explanation on the grounds of the observation.”.


Amendment of regulation 29


  1. Regulation 29 of the principal Regulations is amended by inserting after the deleted subregulation (2) the following subregulation:
  2. 主要条例中条例29现予修订,在删除的次级条例(2)之后加入以下次级条例:

“(3) After the issuance of the certificate of grant of the patent by the Registrar under paragraph 31(2)(a) of the Act, upon a request made by an owner of the patent in writing together with a payment of the prescribed fee, the Registrar may reproduce a certificate of a grant of the patent to the owner of the patent.”.


Substitution of regulation 31A


  1. The principal Regulations are amended by substituting for regulation 31A the following regulation:
  2. 主要条例现予修订,将条例31A替换为以下条例:

“Request for certified or non-certified copies or extracts, etc.


31A. A request for the purposes of section 10, paragraph 31(3)(b), section 31A, subsections 33(1), 33A(2) and 34(4), and sections 83A and 86A of the Act shall be made to the Registrar in the form as determined by the Registrar together with the payment of the prescribed fee.”.

31A. 就本法案第10条、第31(3)(b)款、第31A条、第33(1)条、第33A(2)条、第34(4)条、第83A条和第86A条而言,请求应以注册官确定的形式向注册官提出,并缴付订明费用。”。

Amendment of regulation 31B


  1. Regulation 31B of the principal Regulations is amended—
  2. 主要条例中条例31B现予修订——

(a) in subregulation (1), by substituting for the words “on Form 5D” the words “in the form as determined by the Registrar”; and


(b) by inserting after subregulation (2) the following subregulation:


“(3) For the purposes of paragraph 33B(2)(a) of the Act, the issuance of a new certificate of grant of the patent shall be subject to the payment of the prescribed fee by the owner of a patent.”.

“(3)就本法案第33B(2)(a)款而言,签发新的专利授予证书应由专利所有人缴付订明费用。”。Amendment of regulation 33


  1. Regulation 33 of the principal Regulations is amended by inserting after subregulation (1) the following subregulation:
  2. 主要条例中条例33现予修订,在次级条例(1)之后加入以下次级条例:

“(1A) Subject to the duration of a patent under subsection 35(1) of the Act, an owner of a patent may make the payment of the annual fee in lump sum for two years or more but not more than five years.”.


Amendment of regulation 33A


  1. Subregulation 33A(1) of the principal Regulations is amended by substituting for the words “on Form 5E” the words “in the form as determined by the Registrar”.
  2. 主要条例中次级条例33A(1)现予修订,将“以表格5E形式”替换为“以注册官确定的形式”。

Amendment of regulation 33B


  1. Subregulation 33B(2) of the principal Regulations is amended by substituting for the words “on Form 5F” the words “in the form as determined by the Registrar together with a payment of the prescribed fee”.
  2. 主要条例中次级条例33B(2)现予修订,将“以表格5F形式”替换为“以注册官确定的形式,并缴付订明费用”。

Amendment of regulation 33C


  1. Regulation 33C of the principal Regulations is amended—
  2. 主要条例中条例33C现予修订——

(a) in subregulation (1), by substituting for the words “on Form 5G” the words “in the form as determined by the Registrar”; and


(b) by inserting after subregulation (1) the following subregulation:


“(1A) The request under subregulation (1) shall be made not later than three months from the date the Registrar issues a report made by the Examiner in accordance with subsection 30(1) or (2) of the Act to the applicant.”.


Amendment of regulation 34


  1. Regulation 34 of the principal Regulations is amended—
  2. 主要条例中条例34现予修订——

(a) in the marginal note, by substituting for the words “or transmission” the words “, transmission and security interest transaction”;


(b) in subregulation (1), by substituting for the words “on Form 6” the words “in the form as determined by the Registrar”; and


(c) by inserting after subregulation (1) the following subregulation:


“(1A) Any application made under subsection 39(2A) of the Act to record in the Register the security interest transaction of a patent shall be made to the Registrar in the form as determined by the Registrar together with the payment of the prescribed fee.”;


(d) by substituting for subregulation (2) the following subregulation:


“(2) The application under subregulations (1) and (1A) shall be signed in the case of—


(a) an assignment, by or on behalf of the parties to the assignment;


(b) a transmission, by or on behalf of the person entitled to the application or patent; or


(c) a security interest transaction, by or on behalf of the parties to a security interest transaction.”;


(e) in subregulation (3)—


(i) by inserting after the word “application” the words “under subregulation (1) or (1A)”; and


(ii) by substituting for the words “change of ownership” the words “of the assignment, transmission or security interest transaction”;


(f) in subregulation (4), by substituting for the words “or transmission” the words “, transmission or security interest transaction”; and


(g) by substituting for subregulation (5) the following subregulation:


“(5) The assignment, transmission or security interest transaction recorded in the Register shall be published in the Official Journal.”.


New regulation 34A


  1. The principal Regulations are amended by inserting after regulation 34 the following regulation:
  2. 主要条例现予修订,在条例34之后加入以下条例:

“Application to amend and remove recorded security interest transaction.


34A. (1) An application to amend any particulars relating to a security interest transaction recorded in the Register shall be—

34A. (1)修改与注册薄中记录的担保权益交易相关的任何详细信息的申请应——

(a) made in the form as determined by the Registrar and be signed by or on behalf of the parties to the security interest transaction;


(b) made together with the payment of the prescribed fee; and



(c) accompanied by documents proving to the satisfaction of the Registrar of the amendments to the particulars of the transaction.


(2) An application to remove the recorded security interest transaction from the Register shall be—


(a) made in the form as determined by the Registrar and be signed by or on behalf of the parties to the security interest transaction; and


(b) accompanied by documents proving to the satisfaction of the Registrar of the removal of the transaction.”.


Amendment of regulation 35


  1. Regulation 35 of the principal Regulations is amended—
  2. 主要条例中条例35现予修订——

(a) in subregulation (1), by substituting for the words “on Form 7” the words “in the form as determined by the Registrar”; and


(b) in subregulation (2), by substituting for the words “on Form 8” the words “in the form as determined by the Registrar”.


Amendment of regulation 36


  1. Regulation 36 of the principal Regulations is amended by substituting for the words “on Form 9” the words “in the form as determined by the Registrar”.
  2. 主要条例中条例36现予修订,将“以表格9形式”替换为“以注册官确定的形式”。

Amendment of regulation 37


  1. Regulation 37 of the principal Regulations is amended by substituting for the words “on Form 10” the words “in the form as determined by the Registrar”.
  2. 主要条例中条例37现予修订,将“以表格10形式”替换为“以注册官确定的形式”。


Amendment of regulation 38


  1. Regulation 38 of the principal Regulations is amended—
  2. 主要条例中条例38现予修订——

(a) in subregulation (1), by substituting for the words “on Form 11” the words “in the form as determined by the Registrar”; and


(b) by inserting after subregulation (1) the following subregulation:


“(1A) In addition to subsection 50(1) of the Act and subregulation (1), an application made under paragraph 49(1A)(b) of the Act shall contain—


(a) the name and quantity of a pharmaceutical product that the applicant intends to produce and export;


(b) a declaration that the application is made by or on behalf of an eligible importing country under section 48 of the Act;


(c) a copy of a request from the eligible importing country or the authorized representative of the eligible importing country containing—


(i) the information that the pharmaceutical product which is to be imported is on behalf of and with the authorization of the eligible importing country, and


(ii) the name and quantity of the required pharmaceutical product;


(d) a copy of a notification made by the eligible importing country to the Council for TRIPS; and


(e) a declaration from the eligible importing country or the authorized representatives of the eligible importing country if the pharmaceutical product is to be imported on behalf of and with the authorization of the eligible importing country—


(i) that it will take reasonable measures to prevent re-exportation from its territory of the pharmaceutical product imported into its territory;


(ii) that it will take reasonable measures to prevent the pharmaceutical product from being used other than to deal with the public health problem in its territory; and


(iii) where a pharmaceutical product is patented in the eligible importing country, it has granted or intends to grant a compulsory licence for the importation of the pharmaceutical product concerned.”.


Substitution of regulation 39


  1. The principal Regulations are amended by substituting for regulation 39 the following regulation:
  2. 主要条例现予修订,将条例39替换为以下条例:

“Procedure for grant of compulsory licence.


39. (1) An applicant for a compulsory licence under section 49 or 49A of the Act shall comply with the requirements as specified in section 50 of the Act and regulation 38.

39. (1)本法案第49条或第49A条规定的强制许可的申请人应遵守本法案第50条和条例38规定的要求。


(2) If the applicant—


(a) fails to comply with subregulation (1), the Registrar shall refuse the application; or


(b) complies with subregulation (1)—


(i) the Registrar shall furnish a copy of the application to the licensor and licensee; and


(ii) the licensor and licensee may make an observation on the application within the period of two months from the date of furnishing the copy of the application.


(3) For the purposes of the requirement under subsection 51(1) of the Act, the Registrar may notify the applicant, licensor or licensee, as the case may be, in writing.


(4) The applicant, licensor or licensee, as the case may be, shall appear before the Registrar on the date as specified in the notification referred to in subregulation (3).


(5) The applicant, licensor or licensee, as the case may be, shall give statement or hand to the Registrar any document or any other item as specified in the notification referred to in subregulation (3).


(6) If the applicant fails to comply with the requirement under subregulations (4) or (5), his application shall be deemed withdrawn.




(7) If the licensor or licensee, as the case may be, fails to comply with the requirement under subregulations (4) or (5), the application shall be considered by the Registrar and the decision shall be made according to the information, document or any other item which has been submitted to the Registrar.”.


Amendment of regulation 40


  1. Regulation 40 of the principal Regulations is amended—
  2. 主要条例中条例40现予修订——

(a) by substituting for the marginal note the following marginal note:


“Decision of Registrar.”;


(b) by deleting subregulation (1);


(c) in subregulation (2), by substituting for the words “Within one month from the date the Board makes it decision, the Registrar” the words “The Registrar”; and


(d) in subregulation (3), by substituting for the words “the decision of the Board under section 51(1) of the Act” the words “his decision under subsection 51(2) of the Act”.


Amendment of regulation 41


  1. Regulation 41 of the principal Regulations is amended—
  2. 主要条例中条例41现予修订——

(a) in subregulation (1), by substituting for the words “on Form 12” the words “in the form as determined by the Registrar”; and


(b) in subregulation (2), by substituting for the words “on Form 13” the words “in the form as determined by the Registrar”.


Amendment of regulation 45


  1. Regulation 45 of the principal Regulations is amended—
  2. 主要条例中条例45现予修订——

(a) in subregulation (1), by substituting for the words “on Form 14” the words “in the form as determined by the Registrar”; and


(b) in subregulation (2), by substituting for the words “on Form 15” the words “in the form as determined by the Registrar”.


Amendment of regulation 45A


  1. Regulation 45A of the principal Regulations is amended by deleting the definition of “Secretary-General”.
  2. 主要条例中条例45A现予修订,删除“秘书长”的定义。

Amendment of regulation 45B


  1. Subregulation 45B(2) of the principal Regulations is amended by substituting for the words “on Form 17” the words “in the form as determined by the Registrar together with the payment of the prescribed fee”.
  2. 主要条例中次级条例45B(2)现予修订,将“以表格17形式”替换为“以注册官确定的形式,并缴付订明费用”。

Substitution of regulation 45C


  1. The principal Regulations are amended by substituting for regulation 45C the following regulation:
  2. 主要条例现予修订,将条例45C替换为以下条例:

“Registration of patent agents.


45C. (1) An application to be registered as a patent agent in the Register of Patents Agents shall be made in the form as determined by the Registrar together with payment of the prescribed fee.

45C. (1)在专利代理人注册簿中注册为专利代理人的申请应以注册官确定的形式提出,并缴付订明费用。

(2) In order to be registered in the Register of Patents Agents, the applicant shall satisfy the Registrar that—


(a) he is domiciled in, or is a permanent resident of, Malaysia;



(b) he is an advocate and solicitor in the High Court in Malaya or an advocate in the High Court of Sabah and Sarawak, or has a degree of law and has had at least one year experience in the field of industrial property, or has a relevant degree or its equivalent in an appropriate branch or engineering or science from an institution of higher learning approved by Board of Examinations, or has qualifications entitling him to graduate membership of a professional engineering or scientific institution or the like recognized by Board of Examination;


(c) he has attended the course for patent agent as specified in regulation 45CA before he sits the examination; and


(d) he has passed the examination as specified in regulation 45D.


(3) Notwithstanding subregulation (2), a former Registrar, Deputy Registrar, Assistant Registrar or Examiner who has been appointed under this Act or a former legal officer of the Corporation is entitled to be registered as a patent agent if—


(a) he is domiciled in, or is a permanent resident of, Malaysia;



(b) he has a relevant degree from an institution of higher learning approved by the Board of Examinations;


(c) he has attended the course for patent agent as specified in regulation 45CA; and


(d) he has served the Patent Registration Office or Corporation, as the case may be, for at least ten years.


(4) The Registrar may, at any time, require proof of matters as specified in subregulations (2) and (3).


(5) The Registrar may refuse to register any person who—


(a) has been convicted of an offence involving fraud or dishonesty; or


(b) is an undischarged bankrupt.


(6) The Registrar shall, upon being satisfied that the applicant fulfils the requirements specified in subregulation (2) or (3), register the applicant as a patent agent for a term expiring on the 31st December of that year.


(7) For the purposes of subregulation (2), the application to be registered as a patent agent under subregulation (1) shall be made to the Registrar within the period of three years from the date the applicant has passed the examination under paragraph (2)(c).



(8) For the purposes of subregulation (3), the application to be registered as a patent agent under subregulation (1) shall be made to the Registrar within the period of three years from the date the applicant has attended the course for patent agent under paragraph (3)(c).


(9) If the applicant fails to make an application to be registered as a patent agent under subregulation (1) within the period as specified in subregulation (7) or (8), the applicant shall be deemed to have not satisfy the requirements under subregulation (2) or (3) and shall not be registered as a patent agent.


(10) Upon registration as a patent agent under subregulation (6), the patent agent shall attend all the required courses as determined by the Registrar for the purposes of the renewal of his registration under regulation 45E.


(11) Except for the change of address for service under regulation 51, the Registrar may, on request made by the registered patent agent in the form as determined by the Registrar together with the payment of the prescribed fee—


(a) correct any error in the name or contact details of the patent agent; or


(b) enter any change in the name or contact details of the patent agent.


(12) For the purposes of subregulation (11), the Registrar may require the submission of any information or documents, including a written explanation by the patent agent.”.


New regulation 45CA


  1. The principal Regulations are amended by inserting after regulation 45C the following regulation:
  2. 主要条例现予修订,在条例45C之后加入以下条例:

“Course for patent agent.


45CA. For the purposes of paragraphs 45C(2)(c) and (3)(c) and subregulation 45D(8A), an application to attend any course for patent agent shall be made to the Board of Examinations in the form as determined by the Registrar together with the payment of the prescribed fee.”.

45CA. 就第45C(2)(c)和(3)(c)款以及次级条例45D(8A)而言,修读专利代理人的任何课程的申请应以注册官确定的形式向审查委员会提出,并缴付订明费用。”。

Amendment of regulation 45D


  1. Regulation 45D of the principal Regulations is amended—
  2. 主要条例中条例45D现予修订——

(a) in subregulation (1)—


(i) by inserting after paragraph (b) the following paragraph:


(ba) drafting of a patent application;”; and


(ii) in paragraph (c), by substituting for the words “trade mark” the words “trademark, geographical indication”;


(b) in subregulation (2), by substituting for the words “of Form 18A” the words “in the form as determined by the Registrar”;


(c) by inserting after subregulation (2) the following subregulation:


“(2A) For the purposes of subregulation 45C(2), the application referred to in subregulation (2) shall be made to the Registrar after the candidate has attended the course for patent agent under regulation 45CA.”;


(d) in subregulation (8)—


(i) by substituting for the words “may apply to re-sit such subject or subjects, as the case may be,” the words “shall re-sit all the failed subjects”; and


(ii) by substituting for the words “on Form 18B” the words “in the form as determined by the Registrar”;


(e) by inserting after subregulation (8) the following subregulation:


“(8A) For the purposes of subregulation (8), the candidate may apply to attend the course for patent agent under regulation 45CA before he re-sits the examination.”;


(f) in subregulation (9), by inserting after the words “after three attempts” the words “which includes the first sitting of the examination”;


(g) by inserting after subregulation (9) the following subregulation:


“(9A) The attempt to re-sit the examination due to the failure of the candidate to pass any or all of the subjects shall be completed within the period of two years from the date the candidate is notified of the result of the examination in the first sitting, unless otherwise directed by the Board of Examinations.”;


(h) in subregulation (10), by substituting for the words “subregulation (9)” the words “subregulations (9) and (9A)”; and


(i) by inserting after subregulation (10) the following subregulation:


“(11) A request for a copy of examination questions of previous years may be made by the candidate to the Board of Examinations and the request shall be subject to the payment of the prescribed fee.”.


Amendment of regulation 45E


  1. Regulation 45E of the principal Regulations is amended―
  2. 主要条例中条例45E现予修订——

(a) in subregulation (1)―


(i) by substituting for the word “An” the words “Subject to subregulation 45C(5), an”; and


(ii) by substituting for the words “on Form 19” the words “in the form as determined by the Registrar”;


(b) by substituting for subregulation (3) the following subregulation:


“(3) Notwithstanding subregulation (2), the Registrar may refuse to renew the registration of any person who―


(a) has been convicted of an offence involving fraud or dishonesty; or


(b) is an undischarged bankrupt.”; and


(c) by inserting after subregulation (3) the following subregulations:


“(4) If the patent agent fails to make an application for the renewal of registration under subregulation (1), he may request for an extension of time to make the application to the Registrar in the form as determined by the Registrar together with the payment of the prescribed fee.


(5) The request for an extension of time under subregulation (4) shall be―


(a) for a period not exceeding six months from the 31st January of that year; and


(b) accompanied by the payment of the prescribed fee under subregulation (1).”.


New regulations 45EA and 45EB


  1. The principal Regulations are amended by inserting after regulation 45E the following regulations:
  2. 主要条例现予修订,在条例45E之后加入以下条例:

“Cancellation of registration of patent agent due to failure of renewal.


45EA. (1) If a patent agent fails to make a request for an extension of time under subregulation 45E(4), the Registrar shall cancel the registration of the patent agent and remove the registration of the patent agent from the Register of Patents Agents.

45EA. (1)如果专利代理人未根据次级条例45E(4)提出延时请求,则注册官应取消专利代理人的注册,并将专利代理人的注册从专利代理人注册簿中删除。

(2) The Registrar shall publish in the Official Journal―


(a) the cancellation and removal of the patent agent under subregulation (1); and


(b) any application or patent represented by the patent agent on behalf of any person, if any.


(3) The person who is represented by the patent agent whose registration has been cancelled and removed under this regulation shall, within the period of three months from the date of the publication under subregulation (2), appoint a new patent agent in the manner as specified in subregulation 45B(2).



(4) Notwithstanding subregulation (3), if the person who is a resident intends to deal with the application or patent by himself, he shall―


(a) notify the Registrar of his intention within the period as specified in subregulation (3); and


(b) furnish to the Registrar his address for service in the manner as specified in regulation 51.


(5) The Registrar shall halt the proceedings relating to any application or patent until the requirement under subregulation (3) or (4) is satisfied.


(6) Notwithstanding subregulation 45C(2), if a patent agent whose registration has been cancelled and removed from the Register of Patents Agents files an application to register as a patent agent in accordance with subregulation 45C(1) within the period of three years from the date of publication of his cancellation and removal as a patent agent under subregulation (2), the Registrar may waive the requirement to attend the course and pass the examination.


(7) Notwithstanding subregulation 45C(3), if a patent agent whose registration has been cancelled and removed from the Register of Patents Agents files an application to register as a patent agent in accordance with subregulation 45C(1) within the period of three years from the date of publication of his cancellation and removal as a patent agent under subregulation (2), the Registrar may waive the requirement to attend the course.



(8) Any registration of a patent agent that has been cancelled and removed from the Register of Patents Agents for a period of more than three years from the date of publication of his cancellation and removal as a patent agent under subregulation (2) shall be deemed as no longer satisfy the requirements under subregulation 45C(2) or (3).


Deferment of renewal for registration of patents agents.


45EB. (1) Notwithstanding regulation 45E, a patent agent may apply to the Registrar for a deferment for an application for the renewal of registration as a patent agent if the patent agent satisfies the following circumstances:

45EB. (1)尽管有条例45E的规定,如果专利代理人符合以下情况,专利代理人可向注册官申请将专利代理人的注册续展申请延期:

(a) he has legitimate reason or grounds as determined by the Registrar to defer such renewal of registration as a patent agent; and


(b) he has ceased to act on behalf of the applicant, owner of a patent or any person whom he represented.


(2) The application for a deferment under subregulation (1) shall be made to the Registrar―


(a) on or before 31st January of that year;


(b) in the form as determined by the Registrar together with the payment of the prescribed fee; and



(c) accompanied by supporting evidence on the legitimate reason or grounds.


(3) The application for deferment of renewal of registration of patent agent under subregulation (1) shall be allowed for a maximum period of one year and may be re-applied by the patent agent in the manner as specified in subregulation (2).


(4) Notwithstanding subregulation (3), the registration of the patent agent shall be deemed as no longer satisfy the requirements under subregulation 45C(2) or (3) if the patent agent fails to renew the registration as a patent agent after the expiry of three years period from 31st January as specified in paragraph 2(a).”.


Amendment of regulation 45F


  1. Regulation 45F of the principal Regulations is amended―
  2. 主要条例中条例45F现予修订——

(a) by substituting for subregulation (1) the following subregulation:


“(1) The Registrar may cancel the registration of a patent agent and remove the registration of the patent agent from the Register of Patent Agent if the patent agent―


(a) no longer satisfies the requirements as specified in subregulation 45C(2) or (3);


(b) has been convicted of an offence involving fraud or dishonesty; or


(c) is an undischarged bankrupt.


(b) by inserting after subregulation (2) the following subregulation:


“(3) Subregulations 45EA(2) to (5) shall apply to this regulation.”.


New regulations 45FA, 45FB, 45FC and 45FD


  1. The principal Regulations are amended by inserting after regulation 45F the following regulations:
  2. 主要条例现予修订,在条例45F之后加入以下条例:

“Voluntary cancellation.


45FA. (1) A patent agent may cancel his registration by filing an application for voluntary cancellation to the Registrar in the form as determined by the Registrar together with the payment of the prescribed fee and accompanied by a proof that the patent agent has ceased to act on behalf of the patent applicant, owner of patent or any person that he represented.

45FA. (1)专利代理人可通过以注册官确定的形式向注册官提交自愿取消申请,并缴付订明费用,并附上证明专利代理人已停止代表专利申请人、专利所有人或其代表的任何人行事的证明,取消其注册。

(2) Upon receipt of the application for voluntary cancellation filed under subregulation (1), the Registrar shall―


(a) cancel and remove the registration of the patent agent from the Register of Patents Agents; and


(b) publish the cancellation and removal of registration of patent agent from the Register of Patents Agents in the Official Journal.


(3) The application for voluntary cancellation filed under subregulation (1) shall not be withdrawn.


Cease to act as patent agent.


45FB. (1) If the patent agent intends to cease to act on behalf of the patent applicant, owner of patent or any person that he represented, he shall file with the Registrar an application to cease to act in the form as determined by the Registrar together with the payment of the prescribed fee and accompanied by a proof that he has notified that person of his intention.

45FB. (1)如果专利代理人打算停止代表专利申请人、专利所有人或其代表的任何人行事,其应以注册官确定的形式向注册官提交停止担任专利代理人申请,并缴付订明费用,并附上证明其已将其打算通知该人的证明。

(2) Upon receipt of the application to cease to act as a patent agent under subregulation (1)―


(a) the application or patent represented by the patent agent for that particular person or persons as of the date of receipt of the application under subregulation (1) shall be published in the Official Journal; and


(b) all proceedings relating to an application or patent shall be put on halt until the requirement under subregulation (3) is satisfied.


(3) Not later than three months from the date of publication under subregulation (2), the person who is previously represented by that patent agent shall file an application for an appointment of a new patent agent in accordance with subregulation 45B(2).


(4) Notwithstanding subregulation (3), if the person who is a resident intends to deal with the application or patent by himself, he shall―



(a) notify the Registrar of his intention within the period as specified in subregulation (3); and


(b) furnish to the Registrar his address for service in the manner as specified in regulation 51.


(5) The application to cease to act as a patent agent filed under subregulation (1) shall not be withdrawn.


Termination of appointment of patent agent.


45FC. (1) Subject to subsection 86(5) of the Act, any person may terminate the appointment of a patent agent by filing an application to the Registrar in the form as determined by the Registrar together with the payment of prescribed fee.

45FC. (1)根据本法案第86(5)条,任何人均可通过以注册官确定的形式向注册官提交申请,并缴付订明费用,终止专利代理人的委任。

(2) The application to terminate the appointment of a patent agent filed under subregulation (1) shall not be withdrawn.


Death of patent agent.


45FD. (1) In the event of death of a patent agent, any person who is represented by the patent agent or the legal representative of the patent agent shall notify the death to the Registrar in writing within the period of one month from the date of death of the patent agent.

45FD. (1)如果专利代理人死亡,则专利代理人或其法定代表所代表的任何人应在专利代理人死亡之日起一个月内,将死亡一事以书面形式通知注册官。

(2) If the notification under subregulation (1) is filed by the legal representative of the deceased patent agent, such notification shall be accompanied with a proof that the event of death has been notified to the patent applicant or owner of a patent or any person whom the patent agent represented.



(3) In addition to subregulation (1), the person or persons represented by the deceased patent agent shall file an application for the appointment of a new patent agent in accordance with subregulation 45B(2)―


(a) at the same time of filing of the notification under subregulation (1); or


(b) within the period of three months from the date of notification of the death of the patent agent by the legal representative under subregulation (2).


(4) The Registrar shall halt the proceedings relating to the applications or patents until the requirement under subregulation (3) is satisfied.”.


Amendment of regulation 45G


  1. Regulation 45G of the principal Regulations is amended―
  2. 主要条例中条例45G现予修订——

(a) in paragraph (7)(a), by inserting after the words “the conduct of” the words “the course for patent agent as specified in regulation 45CA and”; and


(b) in paragraph (7)(g), by substituting for the words “(b) and (c) of subregulation 45C(2)” the words “45C(2)(b), (c) and (d), and paragraph 45C(3)(c)”.


Substitution of regulation 46


  1. The principal Regulations are amended by substituting for regulation 46 the following regulation:
  2. 主要条例现予修订,将条例46替换为以下条例:

“Amendment of application.


46. A request for amendment of an application under section 79 of the Act shall be made to the Registrar in the form as determined by the Registrar together with the payment of the prescribed fee.”.

46. 根据本法案第79条提出的申请修改请求应以注册官确定的形式向注册官提出,并缴付订明费用。”。

Substitution of regulation 46A


  1. The principal Regulations are amended by substituting for regulation 46A the following regulation:
  2. 主要条例现予修订,将条例46A替换为以下条例:

“Amendment of patent.


46A (1) A request for amendment of a patent under section 79A of the Act shall be made to the Registrar in the form as determined by the Registrar together with the payment of the prescribed fee.


(2) A request for re-examination required by the Registrar under subsection 79A(1A) of the Act shall be made by the owner of a patent within the period of three months from the date of the notification issued by the Registrar for such requirement.”.


Amendment of regulation 47


  1. The principal Regulations are amended by substituting for regulation 47 the following regulation:
  2. 主要条例现予修订,将条例47替换为以下条例:

“Opportunity of being heard.


47. (1) A notification of an opportunity of being heard shall be issued by the Registrar to any person before the Registrar exercises his discretionary power under section 81 of the Act.

47. (1)在注册官根据本法案第81条行使其自由裁量权之前,注册官应向任何人发出陈词机会的通知。



(2) The person on whom the notification under subregulation (1) is made shall, within the period of three months from the date of the notification, make a request for a hearing to the Registrar in the form as determined by the Registrar together with the payment of the prescribed fee.


(3) If no request for a hearing is made by the person within the period as specified in subregulation (2), the Registrar may exercise his discretionary power under section 81 of the Act.


(4) If the person makes a request under subregulation (2), the Registrar shall notify the person on the date of hearing.


(5) The person who is notified under subregulation (4) shall inform the Registrar within the period of one month from the date of the Registrar’s notification whether―


(a) he agrees to the date of hearing; or


(b) if he disagrees to the date of hearing, he shall propose a new date and such date shall be not later than the period of one month from the date of the hearing fix by the Registrar under subregulation (4).


(6) If the person fails to comply with the requirements specified under subregulation (5), the Registrar shall exercise his discretionary power under section 81 of the Act.”.


Amendment of regulation 51


  1. Regulation 51 of the principal Regulations is amended―
  2. 主要条例中条例51现予修订——

(a) in subregulation (1), by substituting for the words “on Form 20” the words “in the form as determined by the Registrar”; and


(b) by substituting for subregulation (3) the following subregulation:


“(3) The furnishing of address for service under subregulation (1) is not required if the address for service has already been furnished to the Registrar for any other matters under the Act and these Regulations and the address for service has not changed in any way.”.


Amendment of regulation 52


  1. Regulation 52 of the principal Regulations is amended by inserting after subregulation (3) the following subregulation:
  2. 主要条例中条例52现予修订,在次级条例(3)之后加入以下次级条例:

“(4) The filing of document or thing at the Patent Registration Office shall be subject to the payment of the prescribed fee.”.


New regulation 52C


  1. The principal Regulations are amended by inserting after regulation 52B the following regulation:
  2. 主要条例现予修订,在条例52B之后加入以下条例:

“Notification and Certificate by the Registrar.


52C. If under the Act or any regulations under the Act, the Registrar is required or permitted―

52C. 如果根据本法案或本法案的任何条例,要求或允许注册官——

(a) to notify a person on any matter;




(b) to notify a person that the person is required to do a thing; or


(c) to issue a certificate,


the Registrar may notify the person or issue the certificate by any means of communication including electronic means or any other means as may be determined by the Registrar.”.


Amendment of regulation 53


  1. Regulation 53 of the principal Regulations is amended―
  2. 主要条例中条例53现予修订——

(a) by renumbering the existing provision as subregulation (1);


(b) in subsection (1) as renumbered, by substituting for the words “on Form 21” the words “in the form as determined by the Registrar”; and


(c) by inserting after subsection (1) as renumbered the following subsection:


“(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in these Regulations, the request for extension of time after the expiration of a prescribed period under the Act or any regulations made under the Act shall be made not later than six months from the expiration of the prescribed period.”.


New regulations 54 and 55


  1. The principal Regulations are amended by inserting after regulation 53 the following regulations:
  2. 主要条例现予修订,在条例53之后加入以下条例:

“Application to obtain cost for proceedings before Registrar.


54. The Registrar shall, upon application in writing by any party to obtain cost in any proceedings before the Registrar, award cost pursuant to paragraph 80(1)(d) of the Act.

54. 在任何一方以书面形式向注册官申请获得任何诉讼费用时,注册官应根据本法案第80(1)(d)款的规定裁定费用。

Service of copy of application, order or judgement of the court on Registrar.


55. (1) Where the Registrar is not made a party in any court proceedings, the following person shall serve to the Registrar a copy of an application to the Court relating to an application or patent including an appeal from such application:

55. (1)如果注册官并非任何法院诉讼的当事人,以下人员应向注册官送达向法院提出的与申请或专利相关的申请(包括就该申请提出的上诉)的副本:

(a) any person who files an application for judicial assignment under section 19 of the Act;


(b) any aggrieved person who files an application for the rectification of the Register under subsection 33C(1) of the Act;


(c) any person who appeals against the decision of the Registrar in granting compulsory licence under section 51 of the Act;


(d) any person who appeals against the decision of the Registrar in the opposition proceedings under section 55A of the Act;


(e) any aggrieved person who institutes invalidation of patent proceedings under section 56 of the Act;


(f) an owner of a patent who institutes the infringement proceedings under section 59 of the Act;



(g) any person who appeals against the decision made by the Minister under section 84 of the Act.


(2) The person referred to in subregulation (1) shall serve to the Registrar the following particulars relating to such application in court including an appeal from such application as soon as possible after receiving from the court the sealed copy of the application including an appeal:


(a) the number of the application or patent;


(b) the title of the invention;


(c) the name of the applicant or owner of the patent;


(d) the number of the writ summon or originating summon;


(e) the date of filing of the application including the appeal;


(f) the parties in the application including the appeal; and


(g) the cause of action of the application including the appeal.


(3) Where an order is made by the court following the filing of the application including appeal under subregulation (1), the party in whose favour the order is made shall serve to the Registrar a sealed copy of the order of the court.



(4) If any amendment or assignment of the application or patent is required in the Court’s order, in addition to the requirement specified in subregulation (3), the person referred to in subregulation (3) shall file to the Register a request for amendment or an application for assignment in the form as determined by the Registrar together with the payment of the prescribed fee.”.


Amendment of Schedule I


  1. The principal Regulations are amended by substituting for Schedule I the following schedule:
  2. 主要条例现予修订,将附件一替换为以下附件:

“Schedule I


(Subregulation 2(1))









Item No.




Fee (RM)



Request for grant of patent for first ten claims




Request for restoration of right of priority




Application for written authority




Declaration of withdrawal of application




Entering national phase for international application (for first ten claims)




Request for early publication




Request for early public inspection




Request for substantive examination




Request for modified substantive examination




Request for deferment of filing of request for modified substantive examination




Request for certified copies, extract or certificate by the Registrar, or to examine Register




Request to amend Register




Application for reinstatement of lapsed patent




Request for licence to exploit patented invention




Request to convert application for patent into application for certificate for utility innovation and vice versa




Request for approval of expedited examination




Request for expedited examination




Application to record assignment or transmission




Application to record security interest transaction




Application to amend the particulars of the recorded security interest transaction




Application for entry in the Register that any person may obtain a licence




Application for cancellation of entry in the Register that any person may obtain a licence




Request to record particulars relating to licence contract in the Register




Request to record expiry, termination or invalidation of contract licence in the Register




Application for compulsory licence




Request for amendment of decision of granting compulsory licence




Request for cancellation of compulsory licence




Application for grant of a certificate for a utility innovation




Application to extend term of certificate for a utility innovation




Request to amend patent application




Request to amend patent




Request for re-examination of patent




Appointment or change of patent agent




Application for registration of patent agent




Application for registration as candidate for the examination of patent agent




Application to re-sit the examination of patent agent




Application to attend the course for patent agent




Application to attend the course for patent agent for purpose of re-sitting the examination




Request to correct or change particulars of patent agent in the Register of Patents Agents




Application for renewal of registration of patent agent




Application for deferment of renewal of registration of patent agent




Application for voluntary cancellation as a patent agent




Application to cease to act as a patent agent




Application for termination of the appointment of patent agent




Furnishing address for services:




(a) a person except patent agent




(b) a patent agent




Request for extension of time




Statement justifying the applicant’s rights to the patent or certificate for utility innovation




Third party observation




Request for opportunity of being heard




Service of copy of application, order or judgement of the court








Item No.




Fee (RM)



Claims for every additional claim exceeding the first ten claims for patent application or international application entering national phase:




(a) for eleventh to twentieth claims


20.00 per claim



(b) for twenty-first to thirtieth claims


30.00 per claim



(c) for thirty-first to fortieth claims


40.00 per claim



(d) for forty-first claims onwards


50.00 per claim



Certified copy or extract from Register


20.00 per page



Non-certified copy or extract from Register


10.00 per page



Public inspection of information or document relating to patent application through computer


30.00 per hour



Certified copy or extract of patent application:




(a) for first five pages


100.00 per page



(b) for every additional page


5.00 per page



Non-certified copy or extract of patent application:




(a) for first five pages


60.00 per page



(b) for every additional page


5.00 per page



Annual fee for patent:




(a) for second year after grant of patent




(b) for third year after grant of patent




(c) for fourth year after grant of patent




(d) for fifth year after grant of patent




(e) for sixth year after grant of patent




(f) for seventh year after grant of patent




(g) for eight year after grant of patent




(h) for ninth year after grant of patent




(i) for tenth year after grant of patent




(j) for eleventh year after grant of patent




(k) for twelfth year after grant of patent




(l) for thirteenth year after grant of patent




(m) for fourteenth year after grant of patent




(n) for fifteenth year after grant of patent




(o) for sixteenth year after grant of patent




(p) for seventeenth year after grant of patent




(q) for eighteenth year after grant of patent




(r) for nineteenth year after grant of patent




(s) for twentieth year after grant of patent




Surcharge for reinstatement of lapsed patent


100% of fee for the year concerned



Surrender of compulsory licence




Surrender of patent




Annual fee for certificate for a utility innovation:




(a) for third year after grant of certificate




(b) for fourth year after grant of certificate




(c) for fifth year after grant of certificate




(d) for sixth year after grant of certificate




(e) for seventh year after grant of certificate




(f) for eighth year after grant of certificate




(g) for ninth year after grant of certificate




(h) for tenth year after grant of certificate




(i) for eleventh year after grant of certificate




(j) for twelfth year after grant of certificate




(k) for thirteenth year after grant of certificate




(l) for fourteenth year after grant of certificate




(m) for fifteenth year after grant of certificate




(n) for sixteenth year after grant of certificate




(o) for seventeenth year after grant of certificate




(p) for eighteenth year after grant of certificate




(q) for nineteenth year after grant of certificate




(r) for twentieth year after grant of certificate




Patent agent examination fee


150.00 per subject



Appeal by patent agent against examination results


300.00 per subject



Course for patent agent for purpose of re-sitting the examination


600.00 per subject



Reinstatement of international application


800.00 per month of delay



Extension of time


100.00 per month or part of a month



Surcharge for late payment of annual fee


100% of fee for the year concerned



Certified permitted document or information:




(a) for first ten pages




(b) for every additional page


7.00 per page



Non-certified permitted document or information:




(a) for first ten pages




(b) for every additional page


7.00 per page



Past year examination questions for patent agent


50.00 per year



Handling of document:




(a) one to ten pages




(b) eleven to twenty pages




(c) twenty-one to fifty-one pages




(d) fifty-one pages onwards




Handling of physical computer storage device


50.00 per device



Reproduction of certificate of grant of patent or certificate for utility innovation


180.00 per certificate



Issuance of a new certificate for grant of patent or certificate for utility innovation upon amendment to the Register








Item No.




Fee (RM)



Transmittal fee under Rules 14 and 19 of the Regulations under the Patent Cooperation Treaty




Late furnishing of transliteration for the purposes of international search


25% of the international filing fee prescribed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty



Late furnishing of transliteration for the purposes of international publication


25% of the international filing fee prescribed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty



Late payment fee under Rule 16 of the Regulations under the Patent Cooperation Treaty


(i) 50% of the amount of unpaid fee; or


(ii) an amount equal to the transmittal fee, whichever is the higher, provided that the amount of late payment fee shall not exceed 50% of the international filing fee prescribed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty



Request for restoration of rights of priority under Rule 26bis.3 of the Regulations under Patent Cooperation Treaty



Deletion of Schedule II


  1. The principal Regulations are amended by deleting Schedule II.
  2. 主要条例现予修订,删除附件二。

Saving and transitional provisions


  1. (1) Any application or request made or filed under the principal Regulations relating to a patent application, an application for a grant of certificate for a utility innovation, patent or certificate for a utility innovation which is pending before the date of coming into operation of these Regulations shall, on the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations, be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the principal Regulations as if the principal Regulations had not been amended by these Regulations.
  2. (1)在本条例生效之日前,根据主要条例提出或提交的与专利申请、实用新型创新证书授予申请、专利或实用新型创新证书相关的任何未决申请或请求,应自本条例生效之日起按照主要条例的规定处理,如同本条例未对主要条例进行修订。

(2) Any action relating to a patent application, a certificate for grant of a utility innovation, patent or certificate for a utility innovation taken or commenced under the principal Regulations which is pending before the date of coming into operation of these Regulations shall, on the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations, be continued in accordance with the provisions of the principal Regulations as if the principal Regulations had not been amended by these Regulations.


(3) Any approval, decision, direction, notice or report made or issued under the principal Regulations before the date of coming into operation of these Regulations shall, on the date of coming into operation of these Regulations, continue in full force and effect as if the principal Regulations had not been amended by these Regulations.


(4) Notwithstanding subregulations (1), (2) and (3)—


(a) new regulation 28A as introduced in regulation 26 of these Regulations shall, on the date of coming into operation of these Regulations, apply to a patent application or an application for grant of certificate for a utility innovation filed under the principal Regulations before the date of coming into operation of these Regulations and published under section 33D of the Act on or after the date of coming into operation of these Regulations;


(b) new subregulation 33C(1A) as introduced in regulation 33 of these Regulations shall, on the date of coming into operation of these Regulations, apply to an application for a patent or application for grant of a certificate for a utility innovation filed under the principal Regulations if the report made by the Examiner in accordance with subsection 30(1) or (2) of the Act is issued on or after the date of coming into operation of these Regulations;


(c) new subregulation 45C(6) as introduced in regulation 46 of these Regulations shall, on the date of coming into operation of these Regulations, in the case of an applicant who immediately before the date of coming into operation of these Regulations has passed the examination under paragraph 45C(2)(c) of these Regulations, the application to be registered as a patent agent under subregulation 45C(1) of these Regulations shall be made to the Registrar within three years from the date of coming into operation of these Regulations;


(d) new subregulation 46A(2) as introduced in regulation 55 of these Regulations shall, on the date of coming into operation of these Regulations, apply to any request to amend patent or certificate for a utility innovation filed under the principal Regulations before the date of coming into operation of these Regulations which is pending before the Registrar on the date of coming into operation of these Regulations; and


(e) any matter which is required to be published in the Gazette under the provisions of the principal Regulations and still pending publication before the date of coming into operation of these Regulations shall, on the date of coming into operation of these Regulations, be published in the Official Journal and such matter shall be deemed to have been published in the Gazette under the principal Regulations.


Made 17 March 2022


[KPDN.100-1/3/2; PN(PU2)410/VII]



Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs



版权所有:国家海外知识产权纠纷应对指导陕西分中心  主办单位:国家级陕西省知识产权保护中心
